Carrie Rose Profile picture
CEO + Founder of @riseatseven. global search-first creative agency and Drum dadi agency of the year Forbes #30under30 list! UK & NY US. Founded @DigitalPREx

Sep 1, 2020, 8 tweets

The GAME Christmas Tinner campaign has been shortlisted for numerous awards at the U.K. content awards. But wanted to highlight the true spark of this campaign...

This campaign already existed! It was run by @thatmarkperkins and team back in 2013 and it went global ...

Across 18 countries, TV, radio and more.

And every single year, the Christmas Tinner got spoke about again, and again. Site search data shown us thousands of people searched for the Christmas Tinner on the site every Christmas since 2013.

But from an SEO point of view, they weren’t getting links. They challenged us to relaunch the famous Christmas Tinner, go viral AGAIN, but get links to the site. Here was our thinking...

To make a viral campaign go viral again was near impossible. We HAD to have a new hook/angle. So we launched the Vegan and Vegetarian Christmas Tinner alternative 🙌🏽

Why wasn’t this getting links, if it was still being spoke about?

The thousands of site searches every year we’re delivering 0 results. The site needed the product and content on site.

Through a whole new relaunch, launching it with The Drum, it went on to land 140+ linking domains from 14 countries across the world. It drove 85K visits to the site organically, with no paid budget whatsoever. Social media went crazy for it, with youtubers reviewing it

And It made its way to US, UK and European TV overnight.

To be asked to relaunch the Christmas Tinner was an honour. Following the amazing work from back in 2013 was an inspiration for me and jumped to this chance.

You can read the full story here…

Game told us , the Christmas Tinner was THE biggest brand marketing campaign they’ve ever done and since 2013 still saw the benefits from it today.

This is exactly why brand is a huge part of search and search is a huge part of brand

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