Firas Moosvi, PhD Profile picture
Lecturer at UBC-Okanagan, CMPS Department. Physics PhD, interested in STEM EDI initiatives, learning analytics, science communication and data science!

Sep 1, 2020, 9 tweets

Excited to finally share my Jupyter Book course template!…

In just 3 steps you can have your very own course website deployed and ready for your Jupyter Notebooks and markdown content! 😅whew!

Thanks @ProjectJupyter and Executable Books project!

To be clear, I am only a USER of the project - all credit to the devs.

It really is just two steps! Here is the repo template:…

(Thanks @TBeuzen for the assist with the GH Action!)

I’ll highlight a few features of this template repo that may be useful for teaching:

1. Support for executing code in a browser using thebe and @mybinderorg!

In an online class, you can do live code cell execution in Python-students can follow along with no setup on their end!

2. Structure for a 13-week course.

The book has file stubs for lecture notes/notebooks. All fully versioned using GitHub, automatically deployed using GH Actions to either GH or your server. Download pages of the site in PDF, link source code, or open in a @Mybinder notebook.

3. Examples of how to use IFrames to embed web content, @phet_sims, polls, videos, and other content.

Your students will appreciate all their course content in one place, and it’s easy for instructors to add or remove content!

4. Powerful built-in annotation and commenting features with and #annotatedsyllabus, course readings, and any other content.

Really neat features that were only added by the JupyterBook team in the last few days! Game changers for teaching!

5. Support for persistent checkboxes (via JS) so students can track their progress through notebooks, exercises and readings.

Add to-do lists, task lists, and checkboxes that persist between browser sessions using a WebStorage object (thanks @html5!)

6. The best part is, once you make the website, you can use the Redirect tool to embed it right into Canvas: literally *everything* happens in one place!

Students *should* have a seamless experience ...

(Fingers crossed it's as seamless as I claim, will report back).

Everything on this template is CC-BY-SA 4.0, use, edit, adapt, remix, share away! Support open education resources (#OER) and release your course materials!

I ❤️ the Jupyter Book project!

Also credit to @VincenzoCoia for first introducing me to this area with #bookdown.


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