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History has alwayz been Mystery still it is Evergreen in the Present. HISTORY never says GOODBYE, it says, SEE YOU LATER

Sep 2, 2020, 5 tweets

#KantanagarTemple is a late-medieval Hindu temple in Dinajpur, Bangladesh. The Kantanagar Temple is dedicated to God Krishna and this is most popular with the Radha-Krishna cult (assemble of memorable love) in Bengal.


#HistoryEncyclopedia #हिंदू_धरोहर #History

#KantanagarTemple was built by Maharaja Pran Nath, its construction started in 1704 CE and ended in the reign of his son Raja Ramnath in 1722 CE. It boasts one of the greatest examples on terracotta architecture in Bangladesh.


#HistoryEncyclopedia #हिंदू_धरोहर #History

📷1: Present Day #KantanagarTemple

📷2: A southern view of the Temple in 1871 showing the nine spires that were subsequently destroyed in an earthquake that occurred in 1897.


#HistoryEncyclopedia #History #हिंदू_धरोहर

📷1+2: Terracotta designs on columns near the entrance of #KantanagarTemple

📷3+4: Terracotta designs outside the temple.


#HistoryEncyclopedia #हिंदू_धरोहर #History

📷1: #KantanagarTemple front.
📷2: RadhaKrishna Sacred Idols.
📷3: Devi Durga terracotta sculpture.
📷4: Terracotta Carvings depicting Butter churning & Bal Krishna.


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