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Sep 2, 2020, 8 tweets

#KirkCousins’ dad, Don Cousins, lead pastor of Discovery Church in Orlando, preached last week that Satan, like Hitler did, “has an agenda,” and is behind textbook changes, cancel culture, statue removal, and the current (Black Lives Matter) platform taking place in “pro sports.”

Don Cousins has recently reopened the church building during the pandemic. Don isn’t requiring masks in the church service, but asks congregants to wear them “to and from the auditorium” and to distance 3 seats from each party.

Kirk Cousins appears in programming released by the church. In the church service, congregants aren’t required to wear masks.

Recent pictures taken during the #COVID19 pandemic show mask-less congregants singing at Kirk Cousins’ church in Orlando, Florida. Kirk Cousins’ dad, Don Cousins is the pastor.

Kirk Cousins made recent anti-mask comments and said he has only a “.000001%” chance of infection.

Clarification: Kirk Cousins “.000001” comment was about him ranking himself as close as possible to “masks are stupid, you’re a bunch of lemmings.”

Kirk Cousins’ dad defends his son’s #COVID19 comments saying he would have been sad if Kurt feared COVID, cites Bible verse.

The following week, Kirk Cousins dad, Don Cousins, said he stands by his previous comments which included anti-Black Lives Matter sentiment, and only regrets speaking out about statue removal only because it would take more time to explain.

Kirk Cousins dad then did this very predictable *check out this guy we hired 3 years ago* move.

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