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Writer of words. Thinker of thoughts. These are them. I’m for Pugs, Justice, Democracy and the advancement of treatments for Neurological Disorders.

Sep 2, 2020, 14 tweets

THREAD 9 pages 800-902 of the 966 page Senate Intelligence Committee’s #Volume5 counterintelligence report into Russian interference. Steele Dossier, FBI / DNC failures, selective facts creating narratives. Please read this report for yourself and draw your own conclusions.

Pg 806 Answers some questions like was there a server in trump tower that may have been communicating with Alfa Bank in a Russia? Yes. It may have been to spam Alfa Bank employees.

Pg 816 If any page in #Volume5 captures more simply, eloquently, plainly and clearly what was going on here, I haven’t read it yet.

The next 40 pgs lay out how our government institutions and our own over confidence in our abilities failed us. FBI may not have been as forceful in letting DNC know about hack. DNC staffers telling the FBI, we got this ourselves. FBI unable to really compel DNC take actions.

Pg 859 So much talk of ‘Crowdstrike’ during impeachment if you recall. Republicans beating a drum about a server in Ukraine being the real hack of the DNC. As maddening as that was, the truth might be more so. DNC hired CrowdStrike to vet materials before cooperating with FBI.

Think about that. A hack at the DNC occurs, they tell FBI, we got this, they hire CrowdStrike to get before FBI, then Republicans use this terrible decision to distract us with Ukraine interfering in the election. R’s used their own tool against the D’s and we let them. 🤦‍♂️

Pg 861 Steele Dossier. The committee found that it was Glenn Simpson from Fusion GPS who offered to obtain oppo research on trump and specifically mentioned over-seas relationships. He did this in June 2016. Prior to the trump tower mtg on June 9th, Simpson had lunch with...

Veselnetskya, the Russian lawyer jr. thought was going to provide dirt on HRC. If Simpson offered to help HRC’s campaign after June 9th meeting, he did it with knowledge that Russians were trying to work with trump. If he did it before June 9th, he should tell us lotto numbers.

Pg 863 Arguments have been made and investigations launched over cries of the abuse of FISA process. It is addressed again here with [REDACTED] and a consistent Republican battle cry of inaccuracies. The IG found typos and nothing that would have stopped the investigation.

Pg 864 The Dossier begins to change hands. It goes from Steele’s friend to Republican Senator John McCain. Then [REDACTED]. This is ponderous because if the underlying information is that McCain asked his friend Lindsey Graham what to do, we already know that.

Pg 870 People intertwine Fusion GPS and the Steele Dossier. They shape facts and leave out the context. Fusion GPS was originally hired to do oppo research on trump by conservative Republicans. Back when the GOP wasn’t a cult of personality yet. Four short, long years ago.

Pg 881 A reminder as you place each of the preceding 880 pages into a full context. This was intricate, complex, many moving parts with many characters and many motivations. With a bit of hindsight and the human ability to project into the future, what does the report tell you?

Pg 902 I’ll give 2 bonus pages today. As eluded to earlier around page 861, Simpson and Veselnetskya knew each other. They met in NYC pretty much immediately prior to the jr trump tower meeting. Perhaps Magnitsky Act will make an appearance tomorrow as we wrap this up.

These past 102 pages are not as revealing or unrelenting as the prior pages of #Volume5 The findings around the urgency with which the FBI handled the breach at DNC is off putting. Especially when we are relying on them to see us through this now as it is happening again.

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