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Kenya Association of Manufacturers is the representative organization for manufacturing value-add industries in Kenya

Sep 3, 2020, 6 tweets

The implementation of the Kenya Plastics Action Plan was part of our candid discussion with @NemaKenya DG Mamo B. Mamo at a meeting held yesterday.


The #PlasticsActionPlan launched last year, is a private sector-led Policy and Action Plan that seeks to enable a circular economy for the environmentally sustainable use and recycling of plastics in Kenya



Speaking at the meeting with @NemaKenya , KAM Chair @MucaiKunyiha emphasized that the role of the manufacturing sector in the circular economy rests in sustainable waste management and Extended Producer Responsibility Schemes


Circular economy aims to eradicate waste—not just from manufacturing processes, as lean management aspires to do, but systematically, throughout the life cycles and uses of products and their components. - KAM Chair @MucaiKunyiha


DG @NemaKenya Mamo B Mamo, 'We need to set a global example for waste management, and turn our challenges into opportunities.'


The discussion between KAM & @NemaKenya also highlighted:

1. Need for better effluent management

2. Air quality requirements

3. Awareness engagements on waste management

4. Clean ups to address existing waste in the environment


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