Hiral Tipirneni, M.D. Profile picture
physician & healthcare advocate, HEAL PAC founder, proud wife & blessed mom, lover of 🐶🍷🎶📚🔬⚖️, problem solver, life improver, desert dweller, she/her. 🌵☀️

Sep 3, 2020, 7 tweets

I am incredibly honored to have earned the endorsements of these prominent AZ political leaders.

@KateWGallego @ginnydickey #DennisDeConcini @GrantWoods @FredDuVal @TerryGoddardAZ have all dedicated their lives to serving the ppl of AZ. I pledge to do the same in Congress. #AZ06

“Dr. Tipirneni is a proven problem-solver who will bring her expertise to Washington at a time when this country and this state desperately need her.”

Thank you for your support, Mayor @KateWGallego!

“Hiral is exactly what the people of this District need - smart and thoughtful representation with integrity and accountability.”

Thank you for your support, Mayor @ginnydickey!

“Dr. Tipirneni will arrive in Washington ready to fight for the health insurance coverage of millions of Arizonans, and that is why I am proud to endorse her candidacy for Congress.”

Grateful to have your support, Senator DeConcini!

“Hiral will reach across the aisle to work with other members of Congress, regardless of their party affiliation, and this determination to get the job done will greatly benefit the residents of this district.”

Thank you for your support, @GrantWoods!

“She knows just how vital it is that we invest in research and medicine in our Arizona higher education system so that our kids will be prepared to compete in a competitive economy."

Proud to have earned your endorsement, @FredDuVal!

“Dr. Tipirneni will be a refreshing, new kind of Congress Member. She will work tirelessly for the people of AZ-06, not party manipulators or corporate power brokers.”

Thank you for your kind words & support, @TerryGoddardAZ!

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