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Writer of words. Thinker of thoughts. These are them. I’m for Pugs, Justice, Democracy and the advancement of treatments for Neurological Disorders.

Sep 3, 2020, 11 tweets

THREAD 10 pg 903-966 of the 966 pg Senate Intelligence Committee’s #Volume5 counterintelligence report into Russian interference. We see a wrap up, recommendations and partisan conclusions. Please read this report for yourself and draw your own…

Pg 903 We begin today with a correction, my memory betrayed me. I was wrong about Simpson having lunch with Veselnetskya the day of the trump tower meeting. It was dinner the night before and after. He saw her in court on the 9th. I want to be accurate. Also, peep the footnote.

This is from Glenn Simpsons testimony.

And this from Anatoli Samorochov’s testimony. He was present at the lunch and the trump tower mtg as a translator.

Recommendations of the Committee
1. Update, enforce Foreign Agents Registration Act
2. Recognize Russia uses non govt people for govt work.(They don’t play by the rules)
3. Protect campaigns from foreign influence efforts
4. Protect govt employees from foreign influence efforts

Recommendations continued:
5. Bolster resources to uncover influence campaigns
6. Improve victim notification and info sharing
7. Strengthen Congress authority to challenge executive privilege.

Pg 955 After everything #Volume5 reported, this is the conclusion Republicans drew.

Pg 957 These are the conclusions Democrats drew from #Volume5

Pg 960 This is as important and glaring a warning as the Senators can give based on what they know and what they can’t tell us. They also tell us the redacted items are important for us to understand as we head into the 2020 election.

Pg 961 👆🏻Ready? Ready for what? How we can protect ourselves from interference this time? Why would the answers to these questions be [REDACTED]?

Well, that’s it troops. #Volume5 in a 10 thread nutshell. I learned by reading this we are on our own. No investigation will save us. It is up to the public to vote for democracy or dictatorship. I will leave you where we began. I’ll let the Senators say it more elegantly...

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