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Sep 4, 2020, 8 tweets

[1/8] As part of our 2020 ad tracker project, here is a break down of the worst #DogWhistleAd of the week.

Find out more about this campaign and if politicians in your district are using coded racist ads to get elected with our tracker:

[2/8] The @NRSC-- a super PAC aligned with Republican Senate Leadership that will likely spend hundreds of millions of dollars in this election alone-- dropped a racist ad in the style of Gorge H. W. Bush’s 88’ ‘Willie Horton’ ad.

[3/8] Check out our short explainer video on the history of the use of these coded racist messages, or dog-whistles:

Or follow @IanHaneyLopez’s excellent new #RaceClassAcademy series for more on dog-whistles and how to combat them.

[4/8] The NRSC ad attacks Dems for allegedly bailing out "serial rapists, murderers, and violent criminals" as the ad flashes images of 3 Black people. This is also an exact copy of a Trump campaign ad that used the same racist dog-whistle construction in a campaign last month.

[5/8] Like all dog-whistles, it intentionally avoids explicitly naming race, but this ad seeks to activate unconscious racist ideas around the inherent criminality and danger of non-white bodies. This racist idea has deadly consequences & is at the center of anti-racist protests.

[6/8] The @NRSC is also spreading this message all around the country with a form of cut-&-paste racial division. Running the exact racist dog-whistle ad but switching out the Dem. Sen. candidates

[7/8] This ad preys on the hunger many Americans are feeling for safety and leadership without providing any real solutions. They want to stoke racial division and fear, hoping to pit neighbor against neighbor for their own political gain.

[8/8] We can and should reject the poison pill offered up in these ads and demand real solutions by coming together across racial lines to work towards a U.S. that includes and benefits ALL of US.

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