Prof Jonathan Moyo Profile picture
#Zimbabwe's former Minister of Higher & Tertiary Education, Science & Technology Development. "The unexamined life is not worth living" ~ Socrates

Sep 4, 2020, 5 tweets

1/5 Outrageous & false assertions were made at yesterday's Sapes Zoom debate on the implications of the recall of MDC-A MPs. For example Paul Mnangagwa lied that Zim's electoral system is based on the primacy of the party. Balderdash from a lawyer who claims to have co-led COPAC!

2/5 Zim elections are based on a first past the post electoral system. Party list results for electing senators & women's quota in the National Assembly, using a special "proportional representation formula" in the Electoral Act, rely on first past the post constituency results!

3/5 The only MANDATORY requirement for candidates in the 210 constituencies is that they must be nominated by at least five registered VOTERS in the constituency they're contesting in & must countersign to accept their nomination. The VOTER is thus more important than the PARTY!

4/5 Prof @drDendere is right & @DMwonzora is waffling. In terms of the law the VOTER, not the Party, is supreme. VOTERS vote for a candidate, not for a party. For a candidate to be nominated, they must be registered as a VOTER but don't need to be a member of a political party!

5/5 From a lawyer, @DMwonzora's inane explanation is breathtaking. The issue is not that the recall of MPs has not been done before by the MDC-T; but that for the first time, the recalls are weird as they're ZanuPF led via the Bench & Parly for a rival MDC-T that lost the poll!

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