Prof Jonathan Moyo Profile picture
#Zimbabwe's former Minister of Higher & Tertiary Education, Science & Technology Development. "The unexamined life is not worth living" ~ Socrates
DLAMINI Profile picture Brian of Africa Profile picture masimba chimdara Profile picture Major Prince Profile picture Maringi_M Profile picture 56 subscribed
Nov 24, 2022 24 tweets 26 min read
AMERICA'S @wesbeal: @PacheduZW's LYNCHPIN

1/24 Recently, @PacheduZW, which falsely claims to be wholly run by Zimbabweans, boasted that in 2021 it "SPENT THE ENTIRE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY" demonising me.

The boast was in a hateful response to the 'Apology letter' to ZanuPF members! 2/24 Since its launch just before the 2018 general election, @PacheduZW has routinely claimed that it is a wholly Zimbabwean entity, formed and run by CITIZENS; some domiciled in and others outside the country.

But this claim is false, in dangerous ways!

Oct 3, 2022 18 tweets 8 min read
1/18 The release of #CCC's "7 electoral reform demands" has exposed the telling fact that the party and its loquacious trolls don't know that election results in Zim are ANNOUNCED, in real time at polling stations, immediately after vote counting. This is huge for vote defence! 2/18 In terms of s37C of the Electoral Act, see attachment, Zimbabwe's election system has five electoral centres.

These five election centres have complementary roles; with each having its own election return (called a V-Form) and a distinct function in the election system!
Jul 27, 2022 24 tweets 22 min read
1/24 While I'm sad I cannot continue to respond to each and all of them, I'm heartened by the deluge of DMs asking for the reason for the crude slurs I get from @nelsonchamisa supporters; which reflect deep-seated hatred as they have also targeted my sister and my late daughter! 2/24 The reason for the slurs I am getting is @nelsonchamisa himself. While he feigns ignorance and appears to be silent amid the slurs, Nelson has in fact used his seeming silence as a cover to fan and fuel the slurs. He has rebuffed all efforts to get him to address the slurs!
Jun 23, 2022 16 tweets 7 min read
1/16 The saga of a "structureless" & constitutionless #CCC has put a spotlight on the legal status of political parties in Zim. While the Constitution in s3 declares Zim as a 'multi-party democratic system', it does not define the nature, functions & rights of political parties! 2/16 In the Bill of Rights the Constitution of Zimbabwe, under s67 dealing with political rights, does not distinguish between "a political party" and "an organisation". Effectively, this means a political party is an organisation. It follows that an organisation is a structure!
May 20, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
1/15 From 11 to 13 April 2022, a property of US's @NDI on 85 Ebene Cybercity, Quatre Bornes, Mauritius hosted a secret meeting to plot an audacious and violent "Eswatini Winter Revolution", slated for June 2022; funded by @NDI, listed as the "Principal" on the meeting's agenda! Image 2/15 The @NDI's Mauritius coup plot against Eswatini was attended by Srdja Popovic, Slobadan Dinovic, Mohamed Adel, Maryam Al-Khawaja, Mona Eltahawy, Danya Bashir, Justine Lavarde, Kumi Naidoo, Mariela Belski & Zweli Martin Dlamini. What follows are details of the @NDI coup plot!
Apr 10, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
1/5 The gruesome lynching of Elvis Nyathi a Zimbabwean stoned & burnt alive in South Africa is not a result of "illegal" or "forced" immigration, as claimed by political vultures in SA and Zim; it's Afrophobia, a dreadful South African hate crime not seen anywhere else in Africa! 2/5 For context, South Africa is neither exemplary nor a leader among hosts to"illegal" or "forced" immigrants, commonly known as refugees, in Africa. Leaders, non of which is Afrophobic, are Uganda, Liberia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia & Cameroon!…
Feb 2, 2022 24 tweets 12 min read
1/24 Why did @ZECzim embark on a voter registration blitz when:
*There are major by-elections taking place?
*Likely voters who turned 18 have no IDs?
*It has 9,000 opaque BVR kits?
*It can't detect multiple voter registration instantly?
*CSOs are paying likey voters to register? 2/24 The five questions are necessary to unpack because, as @ZECzim began 28 days of its first phase of voter registration blitz yesterday ahead of the delimitation exercise; there're worrying signs that unless it is stopped, ZEC is setting the stage to rig the 2023 elections!
Jan 13, 2022 9 tweets 8 min read
1/9 In a shocking 3 Jan 2022 letter to @ZECzim, @OurMDCT President @DMwonzora says his party will contest 26 March 2022 by-elections as MDC-Alliance, of which he falsely says he's the President, allegedly based on the 2017 Alliance pre-2018 election pact!… 2/9 If allowed by @ZECzim or the courts to appease @edmnangagwa; the quest by Hon @DMwonzora & his @OurMDCT to contest the 26 March 2022 by-elections as MDC-A would confirm Zim as a PARIAH STATE. The quest has no basis in the expired 2017 multiparty pact!…
Jan 12, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
1/5 With respect Hon @DMwonzora, these days you're more familiar with @edmnangagwa's State House than any law; more so on political parties, MPs & Councillors about which you have been a beneficiary of ED's CHICANERY SINCE 31 MARCH 2020. God has seen it all, now you wait and see! 2/5 No one needs to be a lawyer to know that the 2017 MDC-A was NOT A POLITICAL PARTY but a pre-2018 election ALLIANCE; meant to become a POST-2018 ELECTION COALITION GOVT, had the pre-election alliance won the 2018 poll. The 2017 MDC-A was thus only a pre-2018 election ALLIANCE!
Dec 30, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
"Only 2 000 registered to vote, says ZEC"; @NewsDayZimbabwe

Sobering blow. Hashtags, retweets & likes are not a voter mobilization strategy. When people urge you to "retweet for awareness"; they're just pushing their profile, not a national strategy!… ImageImageImageImage Digital communication can be very useful in highlighting or explaining praxis, i.e what's going on, but it is not as useful in starting praxis. It's useless to have a tweet for retweets or likes; that's not targeting anyone who is actually doing something real in the real word!
Dec 28, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
*Defending Zim Sovereignty
*Land Reform Publicity
*Fighting Sanctions
*Unbundling ZBC
*Scrapping JoyTV for NTV in Byo
*75% Local Content
*No Duty for Music/Film Equipment
*Capacitating Amakhosi Theatre
*Uplifting Tsholotsho Schools
*Building LSU! Image 2/5 *Galas
*Tsholotsho Towerlights
*Building Tsholotsho GMB Depot
*Tarring Tsholotsho
*Stopping Racist Capital Radio
*Empowering Chiefs in Tsholotsho
* MatNorth STEM
*Initiating Byo's Skyz FM
*IMPI Report
*STEM Policy
*Capacitating Tsholotsho FC
*Houses for Sipepa Flood Victims! Image
Dec 27, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
1/5 When President Mugabe announced he would vote for @nelsonchamisa, and not @edmnangagwa, on the eve of the 2018 elections; it was on the back of lots of ground work that had been done by "G40" around the country, in some provinces more than in others, since the Nov 2017 coup! 2/5 The "G40" 2018 Chamisa campaign didn't extend to MDC; as shown by the messaging & the results. Hence ZanuPF won 145 out of 210 parliamentary seats, out performing @edmnangagwa who got 125. Chamisa won 85, outperforming MDC with 63; he won the poll but it was stolen from him!
Dec 22, 2021 25 tweets 10 min read
1/25 It's the end of another tumultuous year for Zimbabweans which, like 2020 that ended with the peak of a 3rd wave and new Delta variant, is ending with a surging 4th wave under a new variant, Omicron. And so lives and livelihoods in Zim are threatened, as the new year beckons! 2/25 With the exodus of some 2,000 specialised health workers who have left the country in search of greener pastures, due to deteriorated working and political conditions, the readiness of Zim's healthcare system to deal with the highly transmissible Omicron is in serious doubt!
Dec 15, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
1/6 While the USD100 & US 200 fees for ordinary & express e-passports are extortionate, the USD20 application fee paid at "any CBZ Bank branch countrywide" is shocking corruption that stinks to the high heavens as it's meant to benefit CBZ owners who include Mnangagwa & Tagwirei! 2/6 At the core of the Rule of Law, and in concert with Constitutional Democracy, is the cardinal principle that legislation must be of general application and not specfic to individuals, save for exceptional circumstances where mention of individuals or entities is unavoidable!
Dec 15, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
1/6 This documentation of the gukurahundi genocide is crucial @zenzele: going for specific cases; based on available and incontrovertible information, as in this 5 Brigade murder of Lieutenant Edias Ndhlovu, his wife and two others on account of being Ndebele in 1983 in Lupane! 2/6 Lieutenant Ndhlovu, his wife & two others were murdered on 11 Feb 1983 & buried in a shallow roadside grave by four Five Brigaders: Corporals Charles Simango, Simon Chayana & George Chivayi and Private Samuel Gwatirera who saw their victims as "dissidents" for being Ndebele!
Nov 16, 2021 24 tweets 5 min read
1/24 Moro Sahwira wangu, you know I've lots of time & respect for you & your views. Clearly, we have profound differences of opinion on this issue, sparked by the personal tributes that some of us, so-called G40 guys, have paid to the late SK Moyo. Out of respect, let me explain! 2/24 First and foremost, for me and in all circumstances at all times, I'm unable and unwilling to adopt "an eye for an eye" as a moral precept or compass, political ideology or legal principle. An eye for an eye is the antithesis of humanity and flies against human civilisation!
Nov 12, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
1/5 AFTER THE FRENZY OF @HHichilema's WIN IN ZAMBIA, is the Zim Opposition, waiting for the next African election to be won by the opposition; to get excited again about voter registration for 2023? Where are the #RegisterToVoteZW, #RegisterToVote2023 and #YouthVote2023 hashtags? 2/5 The palpable lethargy about mobilizing citizens for voter registration is concerning; since @ZECzim is now in full swing with the DELIMITATION process & is planning a VOTER REGISTRATION BLITZ in December. By now one would have expected voter mobilization to be at fever pitch!
Oct 31, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
The court of public opinion and opinion surveys do not matter much in the stakes for gaining political power in Zimbabwe; two power-centres are pivotal: (i) the military in particular and the deep state in particular and (ii) electoral votes in 11K+ polling stations! In order to gain political power, popularity is useful but not decisive!
Sep 10, 2021 24 tweets 8 min read
1/24 ON 7 SEPT 2021, I reported that three key branches of the #CIO have joined hands with ZanuPF to launch a deadly #Twitterbots campaign👇🏿.

There's more to say about the CIO/ZanuPF campaign; first let me explain this👇🏿proposition!
2/24 THE IDEA that many grown up kids of ZanuPF parents are more ZanuPF than their parents is a social reality evidenced everywhere you find Zimbabweans, including in these streets. It's not that the grown up kids are more ZanuPF as members or supporters, than their parents; no!
Sep 7, 2021 24 tweets 23 min read
Dear Everyone,
1/24 WHAT'S GOING ON? This is the question I have been asked over the last few days, and especially since las Friday, through DMs, chats, calls & even in these streets.

It all started with this👇🏿tweet by @glenmpani!

2/24 The point by @glenmpani was that Zimbabweans seeking change:

*Want out/can't join ZanuPF.
*Find MDC Chamisa disorganized, intolerant, immature & unstrategic.
*Think it's suicidal to be independent or to form a party.

I agreed with him as per this👇🏿!
Aug 26, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
1/7 MNANGAGWA'S CLAIM THAT HE WAS SENTENCED TO DEATH in 1965 and escaped the penalty because he was underage, is a MYTH, that is a LIE, as previously revealed by Jonathan Chando & now confirmed, behind Mnangagwa's back, by Eddie Cross in "A LIFE OF SACRIFICE: Emmerson Mnangagwa"! 2/7 THROUGHOUT HIS POLITICAL CAREER, Mnangagwa has claimed that he was sentenced to death for blowing up locomotive No 510 in Masvingo in 1964, but was not executed because he was underage. He repeated the lie in April 2021 in his @SundayMailZim interview with @VictoriaRuzvid2!