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Official news and updates on Ontario’s Official Opposition and Ontario NDP Leader @maritstiles

Sep 4, 2020, 5 tweets

Ahead of Labour Day and in the midst of a pandemic, we reflect on the rights we have fought for together, and the wins still ahead of us that ensure everyone has what they need to thrive and nobody gets left behind.

The labour movement brought us the 8-hour work day and the weekend so workers can live a balanced life. For those in the gig economy, these work hours don’t always apply.  

We are here to fight for stable jobs that everyone can live off of. 2/

We fought for women’s right to work, for anti-discrimination laws, and protections for workers. 
We are still fighting for a living minimum wage, to institute a basic income, raising minimum wage and ODSP, and to eliminate gender and racial pay gaps. 3/

Thanks to the labour movement we have workers compensation, and health and safety standards.  
The pandemic has highlighted just how critical paid sick days for all are to protect workers, their families, and our communities. 4/

The future of labour is in a just transition to a green economy. That means creating new jobs in sustainable industries, providing training and education opportunities and ensuring equity and a living wage for all. 5/

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