Daniel Bleakley Profile picture
Climate Activist. Engineer. Civilisation exists in a biosphere. @MinersInTeslas @AccessDisrupt https://t.co/XpUENNjE3P

Sep 4, 2020, 17 tweets

Australian Government Corrupt Connections - Fossil Fuels.
@ScottMorrisonMP, John Kunkel, @RioTinto, Brendan Pearson, @MineralsCouncil, @YaronFNK & CT Group.

Australian Government Corrupt Connections - Fossil Fuels
@IanEMacfarlane, @WoodsideEnergy, @QRCouncil, @AdaniAustralia.

Australian Government Corrupt Connections - Fossil Fuels
@SenatorMcGrath, @SantosGLNG & CT Group.

Australian Government Corrupt Connections - Fossil Fuels
@AngusTaylorMP, Liam O'Neil, Bespoke Approach, Port Jackson Partners & @MineralsCouncil.

Australian Government Corrupt Connections - Fossil Fuels
Sophie Mirabella, Hancock Prospecting & Gina Rinehart.

Australian Government Corrupt Connections - Fossil Fuels
Mark Vaile, @WhitehavenCoal, @MattDoman, @SantosLtd & @APPEALtd.

Australian Government Corrupt Connections - Fossil Fuels
@AlexanderDowner, Bespoke Approach, @WoodsideEnergy, @SantosLtd, @LakesOil & Gina Rinehart.

Australian Government Corrupt Connections - Fossil Fuels
Nick Minchin, @AlexanderDowner, Bespoke Approach, @WoodsideEnergy @MattDoman, @SantosLtd & @APPEALtd.

Australian Government Corrupt Connections - Fossil Fuels
@JohnAndersonAO, @AlexanderDowner, Bespoke Approach, @SantosLtd & Eastern Star Gas.

Australian Government Corrupt Connections - Fossil Fuels
@HonTonyAbbott, CT Group, @LyntonKCrosby & @TextorMark.

Australian Government Corrupt Connections - Fossil Fuels
@A_Sinodinos, Cuesta Coal, Hancock Prospecting, Gina Rinehart & @AdaniAustralia.

Australian Government Corrupt Connections - Fossil Fuels
@mattjcan, John Canavan, @peabodyenergy, @NAIFAustralia, @SharonWarburton, @justinmannolini, Khory Mccormick & Karla Way-McPhail.

Australian Government Corrupt Connections - Fossil Fuels
Martin Ferguson, Seven Group Holdings, Kerry Stokes, @sevenwestmedia & @APPEALtd.

Australian Government Corrupt Connections - Fossil Fuels

Australian Government Corrupt Connections - Fossil Fuels

Our democracy has been hijacked by the fossil fuel industry. Australians need to know about government links with the coal, oil & gas industry.

Please like & retweet this thread so more people are aware.

Australian Government Corrupt Connections - Fossil Fuels

For more information we recommend watching "Dirty Power" (15 min) which documents many of the fossil fuel links to government detailed in this thread.

Australian Government Corrupt Connections - Fossil Fuels

Thread produced with @aaron_brooks10

Most info sourced from michaelwest.com.au

Thanks @MichaelWestBiz & all journalists working to expose corruption & corporate links to our politicians.

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