Blacky Chan 🏁🐍 Profile picture
tormentor of racists

Sep 5, 2020, 28 tweets

We're moving.

A Black woman driving a van is stuck in the parade and rolled down her window to cheer us on.

"We gonna be out here a thousand nights!" she exclaimed.

Diners in downtown Kenton activate their camera phones and look on in apparent confusion.

Guess they didn't get the flyer?

Within SECONDS of arriving, the assembly is declared unlawful.

The police are telling press and legal observers that they can't be on private property and threatening support vehicles via LRAD.

Black woman drove through the crowd while ALL of these police watched. DJ LRAD made it a point to taunt the protesters almost hit, and to verbally defend the driver.

Looks like @Noshu4me is on his freestyle with the protest band.

Two Black men I don't know spoke on the impromptu stage.

The older gentleman got the fists up, the younger gentleman says he's from Salt Lake City.

I got called out by @Noshu4me and gave a little speechy speech.

People on the roof of Heavenly Donuts have declared PPB an unlawful assembly.

Pretty sure the crowd has grown.

Medics stand by, but so far the troopers have declined to riot. The crowd still seems to be growing.

There are balloons bouncing around above the protesters who gleefully keep them afloat.

OSP gets baited into flashlight wars.

A redhead faces off with a big chud.

Missed the first part of the rush because I was putting my gas mask on.

Everybody getting arrested.

I was gonna upload more videos, but reception is the North is horrible.

Lotta people got locked up. Lots of smoke and less lethal munitions fired.

A vagrant with a hammer threatened protesters as the police watched for several minutes. They finally arrested him.

The targeted arrests continue.

State troopers with light colored helmets and camo pants seem to have special designations...

People are yelling at the cops to stop impeding traffic, mocking the LRAD's earlier statement that "Lombard is still open to traffic."

@MrOlmos came in clutch and offered me a Red Bull. Naturally, I accepted.

Zoomed in on @dougbrown8's photo and it seems like this officer knows he fucked up.

The guy with the stylish Mustang had been arrested. 6 bikes and two wagons are watching the empty car.

Police are harassing residents who ask what is going on.

A person who claims to have arrived first on the scene of the arrest says the driver has already been taken away. Says Police cited a warrant for the driver's arrest. Says car was searched without consent.

Cops have cleared out from the PPA building. So have most of the protesters.

Welcome to Day 100. I'm outta here.

Let's see... what other videos couldn't I post earlier...

"We broke no law!"

DJ LRAD sounds burnt out.

An officer in a van threatens people being forced to disperse for being in the crosswalk while they have the right of way.

The young lady's blood had been washed from the street.

Several arrests are made.

Officers point guns at people. Members of press and legal observers report being hit in the legs with munitions. #Fuck12

Cops harass a 7-11 patron for no reason.

A trans medic is seen being arrested. (Two cisgender medics later detail that they were dragged out of the medtruck and let go while the third was targeted for arrest. Reason unknown.)

In case you missed all the videos that wouldn't post earlier...

Brent Taylor doing the most. #31 (John) being a shitty leader.

Cops retreat.

We make jokes.

There's just so many cops...

Home safe.

See y'all when the sun comes up.

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