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Sep 5, 2020, 6 tweets

Murud-Janjira is the local name of a famous fort and tourist place situated on an island just off the coastal city of Murud, in the Raigad district of Maharashtra, India.


#HistoryEncyclopedia #JanjiraFort #FortsOfIndia #FortsOfMaharashtra

Raja Ram Rao Patil was Patil of Janjira Island and a chief of Kolis who established and/or built this island in the 16th century for Kolis to live peacefully away from pirates. After gaining permission from the Sultan of the Ahmadnagar Sultanate~FACEBOOK


Murud-Janjira Fort is situated on an oval-shaped rock off the Arabian Sea coast near the port city of Murud, 165 km south of Mumbai. Janjira is considered one of the strongest marine forts in India. There are many cannons of native and European make rusting on the bastions.


The main gate of the fort faces Rajapuri on the shore and can be seen only when one is about 40 feet away from it. It has a small postern gate towards the open sea for escape. The fort has 26 rounded bastions, still intact.


#HistoryEncyclopedia #JanjiraFort #FortsOfIndia

📷1: On outer wall flanking main gate, there is sculpture depicting a tiger-like beast clasping elephants in its claws.

#JanjiraFort wall is about 40 ft high & has 19 rounded porches, some of which still have cannons mounted on them, including famous cannon Kalaal Baangadi.


📷1: Kalak Bangadi, 3rd Largest Cannon in India At #JanjiraFort, weighing over 22 Tons.

These cannons were largely responsible for repelling oncoming enemies from the sea.


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