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NHS haematology consultant, Law grad, Microsoft certified systems engineer, PhD cancer medicine, Crowdfunder, 54000doctors affiliate, founder.

Sep 5, 2020, 6 tweets

1. Why is the #CygnusCase so important? Because the most valuable commodity in today’s world isnt gold or oil, it’s data.

Inexcusable for @GOVUK to withhold pandemic prep data from the British public when #Covid19 2nd wave & future pandemics lie ahead.

2. Data rules the modern world. Banks need data, military needs data, scientists need data, & physicians need data.

Sometimes there’s good reasons to hide data, during military conflicts or for commercial exploitation, but there’s no excuse for it during a major pandemic.

3. CCA legislation imposes duty to inform the British public regarding civil emergencies. We get that judges don’t want to unduly fetter the executive during a crisis, but a crisis is when our constitution is tested. This is a rare opportunity to clarify legal effects of the CCA.

4. Plus there will likely be a 2nd wave and future pandemics. Therefore imperative that we have clarity on exactly what information a democratic govt must reveal to the British people when their businesses, housing, education and indeed their lives are put at risk.

5. We also believe that a democratically elected government has a general duty of transparency under Freedom of Information legislation.

We need independent scientific scrutiny of the data to identify & explore novel solutions to this unprecedented public health challenge.

6. For all these reasons, we hope that @LeighDay_Law, @TomRHickman & our formidable legal team will establish transparency regarding UK preparedness for #Covid19.

Political advantage must not outweigh scientific considerations during a pandemic – there’s just too much at stake.

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