Ed O'Keefe Profile picture
@CBSNews Senior White House & Political Correspondent. @AmericanU alum. @nahj. Proudly #Latino & #Irish 🇬🇹 🇮🇪 https://t.co/OS6x3WVmdQ

Sep 6, 2020, 6 tweets

ALSO NEW FROM @CBSNewsPoll: Skepticism about getting a #coronavirus vaccine has grown since earlier this summer. Most say if a vaccine were made available this year, their first thought would be that it was rushed through without enough testing. cbsnews.com/news/voters-co…

2/3rds of voters think if a vaccine is announced as soon as this year, their initial thought would be that it was rushed through without enough testing, rather than a scientific achievement that happened quickly:

3 in 4 D’s say if vaccine becomes available in 2020, their first thought would be that it was rushed without enough testing. Nearly half of Republicans hold this view. Slightly more Republicans (52%) think if a vaccine is available this year, it would be a scientific achievement.

WHO DO YOU TRUST ON CORONAVIRUS? As the outbreak continues, voters now have less trust in some key entities for information about the virus, with a notable drop in trust in the @CDCgov. And @realDonaldTrump more trusted than “national media.”

WHICH CANDIDATE DO YOU TRUST MORE ON CORONAVIRUS VACCINE? More voters trust @JoeBiden than @realDonaldTrump to make sure a safe coronavirus vaccine is available.

MORE from @CBSNewsPoll about opinions on the #coronavirus and a potential vaccine can be read here: cbsnews.com/news/voters-co…

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