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always speak your truth.

Sep 7, 2020, 5 tweets

Times when #ShivSena leaders ‘respected’ women. Dekho aur dikhao 💁🏻‍♀️

#UnitedForSSRJustice #AaThoo #SorryBabu

#Kerala bhi aap ke baap ki nahi hai, #ShivSena. Ilaaka kisi aur ka, dhamaaka inka 🤷🏻‍♀️

Inke driver bhi gunde hai. Imagine what threats someone as known as SSR would have gotten? #ShivSena #UnitedForSSRJustice #SorryBabu

#ShameOnShivSena can’t face the reality or facts so they resort to low blow humiliation. #SanjayRaut #UnitedForSSRJustice

Because she filed her papers from Bandra, which is AU’s backyard. Ego ego ego. Fragile male ego of 🐧. #UnitedForSSRJustice #ShameOnShivSena

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