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Sep 7, 2020, 11 tweets

🗓️We've got so much going on in the next month that it's hard to keep track of it all!

For those of you who need your TEPSA fix, he's a quick rundown💪


First off, WE'RE HIRING‼️

That's right, if you've been hankering to work in our dynamic office, where everyone has an important role and impact, then apply for our paid 6-month traineeship!

📨The deadline's on September 14th - that's next Monday!…


#VIADUCT_EU is holding its Teaching Award!

To recognize outstanding teaching in the fields of EU-Turkey relations and the Future of the EU, a €1500 prize will be awarded at the #VIADUCT_EU online final conference in October @viaduct_eu…


The same goes for the winner of the upcoming #VIADUCT_EU Research Award, also deadlined on the 15th, and also announced during the online Final Conference

It recognises outstanding research in the fields of EU-Turkey relations @viaduct_eu…


On the 22nd, our #InDivEU project will be holding a Stakeholder Forum, assessing #DifferentiatedIntegration from the Polish perspective!

To find out more, check it out on the #InDivEU website!…


If you're a graduate or postgraduate student and want to spend 4 days networking with representatives of the @Europarl_EN, @EU_Commission, @EUCouncil, and a Brussels-based Climate Action NGO, the EU@Work Seminar on #ClimateAction is the one for you…


Our other EU@Work Seminar, on EU Affairs, will be taking place a few days later, starting on the 29th, and discussing EU Affairs with representatives of the institutions, policy-makers, organised under the academic lead of @MichaelKaeding…


Along with @aces_for, on the 30th of September and 1st of October, we are organising the ACES Annual Conference on Differentiated Integration

#InDivEU and @dice_h2020 are the organising partners, and we can't wait to discuss these topics with you…


At the end of the month, we'll be releasing a Newsletter from our #InDivEU project too

To stay up to date with the latest from the #InDivEU Consortium and expertise on #Differentiation, SUBSCRIBE now!

@EuropeanUni @ETH_en


Finally, we invite you to SUBSCRIBE to our own TEPSA Newsletter before we publish the September edition!

You'll find all the latest from the TEPSA Network, including from Member Institutes like @UKIMedu, @nupinytt, @IPRI_UNL, and more!


And of course, we’ve always got more in the works, so stay tuned to all our social media to get the latest updates on what we’re doing!


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