Blacky Chan 🏁🐍 Profile picture
tormentor of racists

Sep 7, 2020, 17 tweets

Cathedral Park looking nice. Music is being DJ'd up on the hill. A flat bed truck with speakers is down under the bridge.

Letha is getting ready to speak.Jahdi and Kinsey are warming it up.

March starts at 3:30. Letha just dropped a strong speech, seemed to back and forth a bit about radical action.

BLM is the focus, not fires, but she still respects and thanks the fire starters for their passion and commitment to her cause, is what she seems to be saying.

As the march started, I published a response to the @Oregonian's uninformed opinion piece.

These people should not be allowed to lecture us about Black Lives.… via @weoutherenet

The march is moving. I got adopted by AznBloc today and I already got yelled at once for being on my phone too much.

Also, this hill outta the park is not fun.

Before we head out, I got pics of some of the booths that were doing more than just selling tee shirts.

@ignorantreflect is out repping Beyond Black, and the @timbersarmy sets up a BBQ grill.

I also really liked this couple's backpack signs.

This first stand here reminds me very much of #PlantBloc! Love it!

Meanwhile, our buds over at @SnackBloc stay with the high end snacks. I didn't take any food this time, but was blessed enough to have @MasynWade check in on me personally. Always appreciate that!

Free Lunch Collective came with lots of info today.

A @TeressaLRaiford pop-up supporting her write-in campaign is well staffed.

Indigenous Solidarity for Black Liberation has a couple of tents. If you ever get invited to one of their Sunrise Celebrations... highly recommended.

Some lady got caught up in the parade and had her car surrounded by bikes and cameras.

She seems to be calm, but people are saying she was aiming mace at folks a moment ago.

Someone is talking to her... and the march continues.

I thought we were marching to Roosevelt, but it seems we're doing a loop through St. John's and back to the park.

This resident came outside on FaceTime asking someone who Breonna Taylor was. During the moment of silence we all heard her explain that Breonna was shot in her bed.

The march stops again to chant names.

I don't know who Leotis Jones is, and Google is not helping me.

Neighbors look on from their balconies in a picturesque location.

Across the street, a community garden.

Posters and bubbles.

A few of us got hit in the face by giant bubbles while conversing. Big laughs everytime.

An indigenous speaker whose name I did not catch gave a speech while holding his daughter.

The winds picked up. I also really liked this dog.

My guy Aaron (does he have a Twitter?) delivered an excellent spoken word poem aimed at Black men about challenging our privileges and recognizing our roles in the patriarchy.

Oh, I've missed hearing him speak.

Hearing the youth speak always grows my heart. I remember being that age. Having that imagination. Not being weighed down by life's anchors. I remember just looking to find my place in the world and not seeing where the path was.

The sun looks crazy in the hazy air.

"You came to listen to me." ~@blackyouthmvmt

The knowledge of the Indigenous has helped ground me so many times this summer.

I'm forever grateful for the growth.

Kinsey on stage pledging to dedicate every moment of her life to the Liberation of all humans. That's definitely more than I'm promising.

I'm heading out. A couple white men stand at attention with BLM flags rippling in the wind.

I'm out of Cathedral Park. ✌🏾

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