Parham Eshtehardi MD Profile picture
Preventive + Imaging Cardiologist & Scientist • Dad • Husband of A Stroke Survivor Hero • @EinsteinMed @EmoryHeart Trained • @CardioOB #CardioObstetrics #cvCMD

Sep 8, 2020, 9 tweets

☢ Selecting Between Different Functional Tests in 2020? ☢

This should be most interesting session of virtual #ASNC2020

I am excited to be virtual moderator w/ expert speakers Dan Berman, Keon Nieman, Paul Knaapen, @mdicarli, @VTaqMD

#cvImaging #cvNuc #CardioTwitter

Are you ready for most exciting #ASNC2020 session?

⚡Selecting Between Different Functional Tests⚡

☢ vs 🧲 vs ⏺ ❓

Let’s hear from #cvImaging giants
Keon Nieman, Paul Knaapen, @mdicarli @VTaqMD @danielbermanmd

📆 Sat, Sept 26
⏰ 2:15 to 3:30PM

☢ This super exciting session starts in 3 hours ☢

📺 Tune in #cvNuc peeps to learn who benefits from ischemia testing & how to select best non-invasive test

⏰ 2:15 to 3:30PM

⚡️ Testing in #INOCA ⚡️

#thinkPET ☢ or #WhyCMR 🧲 ❓

Learn from @VTaqMD

⏰ 2:15 to 3:30PM

#ASNC2020 #cvNuc

⚡️ Selecting Best Non-invasive Test for #ISCHEMIA⚡️

🔘 Is this THE most challenging decision we make every day❓

🔘 Is coronary anatomy important❓

#cvNuc ☢ or #WhyCMR 🧲 or #YesCCT ⏺❓

Learn from @danielbermanmd

⏰ 2:15 to 3:30PM

Great talk by @mdicarli on strengths & limitations of lesion-specific #ischemia testing vs myocardial-specific ischemia testing
#ASNC2020 #cvNuc

Great talk by Paul Knaapen advocating for #FFRCT being best of both worlds
#ASNC2020 #cvNuc

Great talk by @VTaqMD on role of #thinkPET in patients with #INOCA & #CMD
#ASNC2020 #cvNuc

Great talk by @danielbermanmd on role of importance of both anatomy & ischemia

“If interested in knowing burden of CAD, knowledge of coronary anatomy is essential”

#ASNC2020 #cvNuc

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