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Sep 9, 2020, 9 tweets

Congratulations to this incredible group of women on advancing to the November general election in New Hampshire! We know each and every one of them has what it takes to win and bring strong pro-choice leadership to the Granite State.

Congratulations @sueford06 for advancing to the general election! Sue has served four terms in the New Hampshire state House, and her dedication to the people she serves is unwavering. We can't wait to see what she does when she gets to the state Senate!

Congratulations @jalfordteaster for advancing to the general election! Jenn has long worked to improve health care in her community as a senior research scientist expanding rural access to cancer care. We need her expertise and leadership in the New Hampshire state Senate!

Congratulations @shannonchandley for advancing to the general election! Shannon is a strong advocate for domestic and sexual violence survivors in the legislature. We have to keep this leader in New Hampshire's state Senate!

Congratulations @Melanie4Senate for advancing to the general election! Melanie is the FIRST Black American to serve in the state Senate. She has always put New Hampshire families before politics and has fought for quality education for all students. Let's re-elect her this year!

Congratulations @CindyR4NH for advancing to the general election! Having served in the New Hampshire state legislature for 16 years, she has a strong legislative record as a champion of health care and education. We know she'll continue to fight for the people as a state senator!

Congratulations @DonnaSoucy for advancing to the general election! As a longtime public servant, Donna has led the fight to protect the rights of women and sexual assault survivors. We need to keep her in the New Hampshire state Senate!

Congratulations Deb Pignatelli for advancing to the November general election! Debora is a longtime Nashua resident and public servant who has been a voice for women and families on the Executive Council. We can't wait to help her cross the finish line this November!

Congratulations @TeamRebeccaNH for winning your primary election! As a city councilor, she's fought tirelessly for affordable housing and environmental protections, and we know she'll do the same when she becomes the first LGBTQ+ woman in New Hampshire's state Senate!

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