Anurag Jain Profile picture
सचिव, आवासन और शहरी कार्य मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार | Secretary, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, Govt. of India

Sep 9, 2020, 7 tweets

Honoured to witness Hon’ble PM Shri @narendramodi’s interactions with PMSVANidhi beneficiaries today. It's a proud moment for the Ministry to have developed this Scheme on PM’s clarion call for #AatmaNirbharBharat Abhiyan & take a big stride in that direction.

PMSVANidhi is a special micro-credit facility Scheme to facilitate street vendors to access affordable working capital loan. With a target of covering 50 lakh street vendors, I am delighted to share that over 10 lakh applications have already been received.

Street vendors can avail a collateral-free loan up to Rs.10,000 for tenure of 1 year through the PMSVANidhi Portal ( Our endeavour is to promote borrowing by street vendors to make them self-sufficient & enhance their income.

Scheme provides for higher loan eligibility on timely/early repayment of first loan. To ensure easy access, all Public & Pvt Scheduled Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks, Cooperative Banks, Small Finance Banks, SHG Banks, NBFCs & MFIs are eligible to lend.

Street Vendors not covered under the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) led earlier survey for identification, can also apply for the loan by getting the Letter of Recommendation (LOR) from the ULB through an online application.

Urban Local Bodies (ULBs), on receipt of the online application, have been mandated to issue Letter of Recommendation (LOR) within 15 days and a regular Certificate of Vending (COV) and Identity Card within 30 days of issuance of LoR.

Till now, we have received over 10 lakh applications from street vendors across the country of which, we have already sanctioned over 3.5 lakhs and loan amounts have been disbursed to over 1.5 lakhs. These numbers will only keep on growing here on!

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