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NYT bestselling Trump and Musk biographer. Attorney. Retired journalism professor. More: and

Sep 9, 2020, 7 tweets

(THREAD) This thread compiles the 25 finalists in the Proof of Corruption Shop Contest. I hope you'll weigh in in the comments on which you like the most! I'll make a decision on the winners—including the signed-book winner—based on creativity and shop quality. #ProofofCorruption

(FINALISTS #5—#8) I want to take a moment to say "thank you" to all the incredible folks who entered the Proof of Corruption Shop Contest. At my count we had nearly 150 entries in just 48 hours—and so many of them (finalists and otherwise) were *impressive*. You all are the best!

(FINALISTS #9—#12) I hope the contest provided everyone with levity in a dark time. I hope, too, it acknowledged the special place curatorial journalism has come to occupy in American media: as an emerging digital mode considered *vital* to fast-growing community of news-readers.

(FINALISTS #13—#16)

(FINALISTS #17—#20) More finalists from the Proof of Corruption Shop Contest. #ProofofCorruption

(FINALISTS #21—#24) More finalists from the Proof of Corruption Shop Contest. #ProofofCorruption

(FINALIST #25) This last Proof of Corruption Shop Contest finalist gets its own tweet—but only because we have an uneven number of finalists! (I'm not giving away any preferences!) I'll admit it made me laugh out loud, though. Winners announcement coming soon! #ProofofCorruption

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