John Basham Profile picture
Meteorologist, AI, Data Scientist, @USArmy Ret, #IC, Fmr TX Elected Official. Seen @AmThoughtLeader Heard @SeanHannity, @FBI Target #TwitterFiles For Censorship

Sep 9, 2020, 7 tweets

In a 2nd @realDonaldTrump term it will be VASTLY IMPORTANT to dismantle the Left-Wing #Marxist Leadership that has taken hold at @DeptofDefense.
Obama fired all top brass & elevated leftists who now run the Pentagon.
@EsperDoD MUST GO to make way for Sec. Of Defense @GenFlynn.

In a 2nd @realDonaldTrump term he MUST dismantle the #Marxist Leaders at @TheJusticeDept & the @FBI.
Trump must FIRE ALL HOLDOVER US Attorneys & Replace them with Constitutional Conservatives!
Dir. #Wray Must Go & An Outsider Like @TomFitton Must Come In To Gut the FBI!

In a 2nd @realDonaldTrump term he MUST dismantle the ENTIRE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY APPARATUS UNDER @ODNIgov That Had Grown To A MASSIVE 17 Agencies.
These Agencies Spend More Time Spying On Americans Than Worldwide Threats.
He Must Complete Kennedy's Vision To END THE @CIA!

In a 2nd @realDonaldTrump term he MUST instruct @TheJusticeDept to dismantle the #Marxist Monopolies of the "Big Tech" Such As Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, & Apple! Their STRANGLEHOLD & CENSORSHIP Of Public Debate & Discourse Could Very Well Be One Of Our Greatest Threats!

In a 2nd @realDonaldTrump term he MUST dismantle the #Marxists Indoctrination Of Our Nations Youth From Kindergarten Through College ALL PAID FOR OR BACKED BY OUR TAX DOLLARS! We MUST END The Use Of Federally Backed Loans For These Radical Colleges Who Hate Everything American.

In a 2nd @realDonaldTrump term he MUST REVERT U.S. Laws Supported By Globalist Republicans Which Removed OWNERSHIP RULES At The @FCC. This Has Allowed 6 Major Left-Wing #Marxist Companies To Control All Broadcast & Print News In This Country & Creating A "Ministry Of Truth".

In a 2nd @realDonaldTrump term he MUST reduce in size & scope the #Marxist Behemoth That Is The Federal Government.
Our Founding Fathers NEVER ENVISIONED A Central Government In The U.S. With Ever Growing Power!
They Envisioned The States & People Being The Ultimate Power.

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