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Il comitato di supervisione della Camera ritenere direttore dell'#FBI #ChrisWray in oltraggio al Congresso
per il rifiuto di consegnare i documenti di Biden.

@liliaragnar @mariogiordano5
@RadioRadioWeb @ladyonorato @a_meluzzi
Il Comitato della Camera per la supervisione e la responsabilità ha chiesto all'#FBI di rilasciare documenti relativi a un presunto schema di corruzione durante il mandato di vicepresidente di Joe Biden sotto il presidente Barack Obama, e da allora l'FBI si è rifiutato...😡 Image
"Il Comitato di supervisione prenderà ora provvedimenti per ritenere il direttore dell'#FBI #Wray in oltraggio al Congresso", si legge in una dichiarazione del Comitato. Image
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In a 2nd @realDonaldTrump term it will be VASTLY IMPORTANT to dismantle the Left-Wing #Marxist Leadership that has taken hold at @DeptofDefense.
Obama fired all top brass & elevated leftists who now run the Pentagon.
@EsperDoD MUST GO to make way for Sec. Of Defense @GenFlynn. ImageImageImage
In a 2nd @realDonaldTrump term he MUST dismantle the #Marxist Leaders at @TheJusticeDept & the @FBI.
Trump must FIRE ALL HOLDOVER US Attorneys & Replace them with Constitutional Conservatives!
Dir. #Wray Must Go & An Outsider Like @TomFitton Must Come In To Gut the FBI! ImageImageImage
In a 2nd @realDonaldTrump term he MUST dismantle the ENTIRE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY APPARATUS UNDER @ODNIgov That Had Grown To A MASSIVE 17 Agencies.
These Agencies Spend More Time Spying On Americans Than Worldwide Threats.
He Must Complete Kennedy's Vision To END THE @CIA! ImageImage
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News Analysis🔎by Jeff Carlson @themarketswork

While President Trump’s #Acquittal dominated the news this week, there were 3 other significant developments that received little attention. (Thread👇)…
1. On the morning of Feb. 5, @FBI Director #Wray made several significant and noteworthy comments and admissions pertaining to #FISAabuse and the ongoing investigation by US Attorney #JohnDurham during testimony before the House Judiciary Committee.…
2. That afternoon, a letter jointly sent by Sen. @ChuckGrassley and Sen. @RonJohnsonWI requested the dates and locations of any travel that #HunterBiden had made while receiving a protective detail from the @SecretService.…
Read 29 tweets
Media outlets like @washingtonpost & @CNN published headlines claiming that @FBI Dir. #ChristopherWray said there was no evidence of #Spying on the Trump campaign.

The problem is, that wasn’t what Wray had actually said. (Thread 👇)…
With regard to #Wray’s comments on ”#spying,” he was actually responding to a question regarding the @FBI’s normal operations:

Shaheen: I’d like to follow up on Senator Moran’s question about the hearing we had with Attorney General Barr. Because, I was very concerned by his…
… use of the word “spying” which I think is a very loaded word. It conjures up a criminal connotation. I want to ask you and I’d appreciate a “yes” or “no” answer if possible.

When FBI agents conduct investigations against alleged mobsters, suspected terrorists, other…
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“Perché il Governo decide di emettere titoli di stato? [dal momento che può creare tutto il denaro che vuole]” Randall Wray (segue)
“Il governo può acquistare qualsiasi cosa voglia semplicemente accreditando i conti correnti [dei venditori]” Randall Wray (segue)
“Il Governo non ha bisogno del “suo” denaro [“suo” perché è l’unico che può emetterlo] prendendolo dai suoi abitanti” Randall Wray (segue)
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Why #ChrisWray reshapes #FBI? #Rosneft #Gazprom ties thread.
1. #McCabe said he felt pressure to leave the FBI, according to NYT and stepped down on Monday.…
2. #Sessions communicated to #Wray, who was hand-picked by #Trump and sworn in in August, that he needed a fresh start with his senior team at the #FBI.…
3. #ChrisWray worked for #KingAndSpalding, a law company, representing Gazprom, Rosneft, Sberbank and Alfa Bank on issues related to #sanctions.
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