Dr Amit Pawa💉🎙️ Profile picture
Consultant Anaesthetist, Professor Clin Anest & Podcaster #RegionalAnaesthesia @BlockIt_Hot_Pod #BILIH COI:GE Healthcare. Research Gate https://t.co/6a1YlyIYs9

Sep 9, 2020, 16 tweets

When Medical School is complete, What does it feel like when you first start working as a doctor?...

An Indiana Jones Gif Thread.

1. Day 1 - all knowledge inside your head, but are you actually ready to be a doctor?

2. The first day you walk onto the ward with your stethoscope around your neck and tendon hammer in pocket

3. When you get bleeped/paged to see your first patient with chest pain/abdominal pain/pyrexia/hypoxia on the ward

4. When you are asked to see a patient who needs a cannula/arterial blood gas and your colleagues have failed before you

5. When you admit 30 patients overnight and you have to lead the post-call ward round

6. When you work out which radiologist to speak to and what to put on the request form when you are asked to organise a CT scan

7. When you have been asked to go to the mortuary to fill out paperwork but you have no idea where you are going or what to write

8. When you head to your first doctor’s mess party

9. When you treat your first acutely unwell patient and you make a real difference!

10. When you are too tired to cook after a shift and you eat leftovers from the ward fridge

11. When you call the consultant by their first name by accident

12. When you see your boss examining a chest with a stethoscope and you have a handheld ultrasound in your pocket!

13. When your consultant asks you a tricky question on the ward round and you get the right answer

14. When your consultant asks you if you want to specialise in the specialty you are currently working in and you say... “No”

15. When the registrar says they will teach you to do the lumbar puncture!

I am sure there are so many more, but I ran out of gifs!

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