Dr Amit Pawa💉🎙️ Profile picture
Consultant Anaesthetist, Podcaster & Clinical Professor #RegionalAnaesthesia @BlockIt_Hot_Pod #BILIH COI:GE Healthcare. Research Gate https://t.co/6a1YlyIYs9
Dr. Maan A. Kattan, MD, FRCPCد. معن عبدالرحمن قطان Profile picture Amina Benyoucef Profile picture Jeremy Gue MD Profile picture Maan Kattan, MBBS, FRCPC🩺💉🩹د.معن قطان Profile picture Dr Prit Anand Singh Profile picture 7 subscribed
Jan 19, 2022 13 tweets 12 min read
Coming soon, An #RAUKISURA22 🧵 on our Bruce Scott Lecturer @colinjmccartney & his Favourite Five Publications!

Watch this space!


#McCartneysFavouriteFive Image Ok- its time to start our #RAUKISURA22 Bruce Scott Lecturer. @colinjmccartney ‘s series of #McCartneysFavouriteFive papers Image
Nov 14, 2021 15 tweets 18 min read
So I was wondering today, as an eternal student, a regional anaesthetist,and Past @RegionalAnaesUK president - what would make me want to attend #RAUKISURA22 on the 5-7th May 2002 in Edinburgh? So - Here Comes a mini thread! @RegionalAnaesUK has been working hard to change the way we deliver education in #RegionalAnaesthesia
Check out some of highlights from #RAUK19 in Belfast organised by @LloydTurbitt @rosie_hogg @PeterMerjavy @davejohnston24 & Mike Jones ra-ukmeetings.com/past-events
Feb 10, 2021 31 tweets 10 min read
Looking forward to #POCUS webinar with @ASRA_Society with @jattarab @KalagaraHari @dr_melissabyrne and team! @dr_melissabyrne first up on cardiac US.
When Learning a new technique...
1. Set realistic goals for learning
2. Improve workflow efficiency
3. Scan based on pathology

Use the 4W approach
When to apply pocus
Where to place probe
What do images mean
What to do next
Feb 9, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
I love regional anaesthesia and working with surgeons, & am also sad that I have finished Schitt’s Creek. Here is a thread of experiences as a regional anaesthetist..

The reaction of a new surgeon the first time you state you’d like to site a nerve block... for a trauma patient The reaction of the anaesthetist when the surgeon states that blocks will slow the list down, and “The operation isn’t that painful anyway”
Feb 9, 2021 9 tweets 12 min read
In the run up to #RAUK21 -5-6th May 2021 ,& to introduce some of the many publications of our Bruce Scott Lecturer @EMARIANOMD - I thought I’d start tweeting 10 of his papers to get you inspired about #RegionalAnaesthesia #RegionalAnesthesia - I’ll add them all to this thread... In the first of 10 of @EMARIANOMD‘s papers, lets start by looking at this one on Continuous interscalene brachial plexus block via an ultrasound-guided Posterior approach #RAUK21 #MarianoTopTen 1/10


Jan 25, 2021 12 tweets 13 min read
So here is a quick thread about the #PlanABlocks from @RegionalAnaesUK that feature in the tweet below - I feature links to the RA-UK book chapter 📖, Video 🎥 & Posters in the thread below... The concept came from an excellent editorial from @LloydTurbitt , @EMARIANOMD & @elboghdadly

One of the key points of the editorial was to focus on a small number of high-value blocks, and to train everyone in them, and then implement into pathways👇🏼

Jan 24, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
A lesson in keeping it simple- or as @glauncel says - KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid!


So - a member of the Pawa household dropped a plastic cap down the shower drainage hole by accident- see exhibit A below 👇🏼 2/5 Unfortunately- the shower was now unusable - a big deal for us all!
So - as someone who had been using a fibrescope on ICU recently, I had a great idea! I used my Amazon prime account and ordered a Wifi transmitting portable endoscope to get down the drain - exhibit B👇🏼
Oct 5, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
I had a desire to pen another of my #PawaPoems -this time, a non-rhyming-type. Here goes...

A whole New World

The alarm goes off at 0530,
A battle of the snooze alarm versus my state of wakefulness then ensues,
I struggle to get out of bed- that much has not changed !

I shower and dress for work - no longer wearing suits or chino-blazer combos - they don’t do well when thrust within the depths of the Washing machine during my nightly “return from work corridor strip routine”.

Oct 1, 2020 37 tweets 11 min read
This time on the otherside of the webinar situation!!
Looking forward to learning from @ICUltrasonica @Wilkinsonjonny @PARADicmSHIFT and crew! 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 First up... @PARADicmSHIFT
Sep 19, 2020 20 tweets 14 min read
My last #ECONGRESS2020 #ESRAASRA2020 session for the day! Image Shoulder surgery hurts!

Interscalene block is currently the gold standard

Sep 19, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Next we are listening to the use of Ampres 2% (Chloroprocaine) from @SinteticaUK

I have never used it, but suspect there are some situations where this has a useful role.


What do Peeps think? The question I have is what operations are short enough for the use of Block with Chloroprocaine?

Sep 19, 2020 8 tweets 7 min read
Finishing my #ECONGRESS2020 #ESRAASRA2020 attendance “in the hands” of my dear friend @DrEAlbrecht

A really interesting session on innovations in #RegionalAnaesthesia Image And here they are!

@DrEAlbrecht ‘s accent has become more British though!

Sep 19, 2020 11 tweets 9 min read
This is where I am headed to next for #ECONGRESS2020 #ESRAASRA2020- be good to hear @docmorne talking about ERAS for Knee Arthroplasty & Ambulatory Surgery fron Seb Bloc and Laurent Delaunay Image Great group of speakers to start this session! Image
Sep 19, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Finally - @DanDirzu on the indications for Distal Blocks
They are certainly further away from many critical structures-

My main concern is convincing surgeon to avoid tourniquet!
Perhaps a differential block proximally with short acting drug? Image Some potential indications...

Never seen a wrist tourniquet used by the way! Have u?! Image
Sep 19, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
Next up @ESRA_Society President-Elect Thomas VOLK, Germany on hand surgery and anticoagulants #ECONGRESS2020 #ESRAASRA2020

Would you do a peripheral nerve block in an anti-coagulated patient? Image The incidence of bleeding necessitating revision surgery is low in these situations

Sep 9, 2020 16 tweets 5 min read
When Medical School is complete, What does it feel like when you first start working as a doctor?...

An Indiana Jones Gif Thread.

1. Day 1 - all knowledge inside your head, but are you actually ready to be a doctor? 2. The first day you walk onto the ward with your stethoscope around your neck and tendon hammer in pocket
Sep 3, 2020 15 tweets 5 min read
Starting as a novice anaesthetic trainee. A thread of #FreshPrince Gifs

1. “Hey everyone, I am the new “baby anaesthetic trainee!” (I actually said this!) 2. When you realise that actually, you don’t know anything about any of the drugs, doses, procedures... and basically, you are a med student again!
Aug 31, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read
What it’s like to be a regional anaesthetist - a thread of #starwars gifs
1. When you discover your passion for #RegionalAnaesthesia 2. When the first few blocks you place don’t seem to go according to plan
Mar 19, 2020 17 tweets 7 min read
Watching the @ButterflyNetInc #COVID19 #POCUS Webinar @bedsidesono :

Lung Ultrasound been around since 1990s

We are learning lessons from China and Italy, but there is not lots of evidence right now in #COVID19

Information now, may not necessarily hold true in a few months now, but we have to trust the info we have now
Mar 14, 2020 13 tweets 5 min read
Wow - incredible work from the @AAGBI producing a webinar on #COVID19 & what we need to know on the frontline.

I have put some of my take home points together in a thread.
Bottom line- I am genuinely worried about what lies ahead, and it is clear, we are not ready for this yet 1. PPE - there are national variations & inconsistencies. Intubation is an Aerosol Generating Procedure (AGP) - maximal protection should be used - what is that though?

2. What drugs are we going to use?
Propofol & Alfentanil vs Isoflurane?
Will we have enough?
Nov 14, 2019 8 tweets 10 min read
So when my wife asks why it takes me so long to write a presentation, I have an answer! You don’t want to know how long this took to create just one slide! @SreeHPraveenKO1 @KalagaraHari @kaohesham - I am getting there! 😁 @SreeHPraveenKO1 @KalagaraHari @kaohesham .I promised I would tweet some more snippets from my #CCFRA19 lecture - so lets start with Superior Trunk #RAUK20