Rudy Havenstein, Senior Markets Commentator. Profile picture
He/Haw/Xi Reichsbank President 1908-1923 Uncategorizable. Tweets are solely for my own amusement. "My way of joking is to tell the truth." - G.B. Shaw

Sep 10, 2020, 30 tweets

Is there ANY major news organization which has covered or looked further into these unbelievable comments from John McCain's wife?

And if not, WHY not?

I'm gonna make this easy on you...

Quite a swamp, ain't it.

"...the McCain Institute’s initiative never made any effort to combat Epstein’s sex trafficking activities."

cc @cindymccain…

Jan. 2020

Q: "The perception of a lot of young people is that there is an untouchable ring of governmental and economic elites in this country that not only benefit but actively participate in sex trafficking..."

[Cindy McCain nods head 'yes']

Sorry - I did a quick search for you, Kutcher and Mccain and that came up. I should've found the original.

In case you were wondering if Lynn Forester de Rothschild was on the board of the McCain Institute...…

“I’m not a sexual predator, I’m an ‘offender,’ Mr. Epstein told The New York Post in 2011. “It’s the difference between a murderer and a person who steals a bagel.”

"He took to wearing Harvard sweatshirts...and developed friendships with the former Harvard president Lawrence H. Summers..."

Larry's ties to Epstein's go back waaay before 2011.

Hey @WilfredFrost - Ask @LdeRothschild about her ties to Jeffrey Epstein.

Also ask her why the McCain institute, which supposedly fights human trafficking, never did anything about Epstein, even though @cindymccain admitted they "all knew" what he was doing?

@WilfredFrost Dershowitz "called me a minute after I had emailed him for comment. He said he’d been friends with Epstein since 1996, when they were introduced at a party on Martha’s Vineyard by Lynn Forester de Rothschild. “She begged me to meet him.""…

At the end of the day, all Jeffrey Epstein really did wrong was steal some bagels.

OK - I don't know if this means anything or not, but it's interesting, and was pointed out to me. Watch the above video clip at about 17 seconds in when Jeff Epstein's name is mentioned...both women make the exact same gesture. Just odd. Probably nothing, but interesting.

"I knew by now that when a group of individuals gravitated toward one another for no apparent reason...inexplicably headed in the same direction as if drawn by a magnetic often as not the shadowy outlines of a covert intelligence operation were somehow becoming visible"

That was Jim Garrison in his book, "On the Trail of the Assassins."…

"I knew by now that when a group of individuals gravitated toward one another for no apparent reason...inexplicably headed in the same direction as if drawn by a magnetic often as not the shadowy outlines of a covert intelligence operation were somehow becoming visible"

Apparently with SBF out of the picture, the #2 top Biden donor is now Nick Timiraos.

"The song is directly about the death of Judy Garland in London in 1969. Judy Garland met a lot of people throughout her life who treated her badly: who abused her from a very early age. In the hands of these people she never had a chance."- John Darnielle

"Early in 2022, Alameda invested $550 million in the company [Genesis Digital]...The proceeds went solely toward buying shares from two co-founders, Messrs. [Marco] Krohn and [Rashit] Makhat..." #FTX

Watch the above video.

How is it possible that @cindymccain's comments about Jeff Epstein were NEVER investigated by mainstream media? #MeToo…

@cindymccain This happened very recently.

Like it's gonna stop me.

What did you mean, @cindymccain, when you said:

"Epstein was hiding in plain sight...We all knew what he was doing. But we had no one that was, um, legal aspect that would go after him. They were afraid of him"?

@cindymccain "How could a prominent man carrying around a very public child prostitution conviction have remained in the good graces of high society?"

- Darryl Cooper (MartyrMade)…

"How could Podesta, a powerful Democrat lobbyist with a Rolodex of enemies acquired over a long career, put his depraved predilections on public display, and expect no repercussions?"

"What are all these powerful and prominent people doing with a monster like Epstein?"…

"From Matzneff to Epstein to Harvey Weinstein to Jimmy Savile, more often than not the exposure of an elite sex criminal is immediately followed by the revelation that their behavior had been an open secret for years."

"8 minutes of Jeffery Epstein speaking in his depositions"

I do not know the source(s) of this.…

Has Jamie Dimon done a sworn deposition re: Epstein yet?

Billionaire Jacob Rothschild and Marina Abramović, in front of the painting, "Satan Summoning His Legions," by Sir Thomas Lawrence.

The photo appears to be from 2019 or 2020. I was not there.…

"Celebrity-loved designer Robert Wun"…

"Epstein’s days were filled from morning to night with meetings with prominent people"

People like Ariane de Rothschild (chief executive of the Swiss private bank Edmond de Rothschild Group), William Burns (CIA Director), Joshua Cooper Ramo (former co-chief executive of Henry Kissinger’s corporate consulting firm, former Starbucks & FedEx Board member), Kathryn Ruemmler (white-collar defense lawyer and a White House counsel under Obama, then Goldman's top lawyer), Noam Chomsky (professor), and Leon Botstein (president of Bard College).

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