Rudy Havenstein, Senior Markets Commentator. Profile picture
He/Haw/Xi Reichsbank President 1908-1923 Uncategorizable. Tweets are solely for my own amusement. "My way of joking is to tell the truth." - G.B. Shaw
12 subscribers
Jul 29, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
"This is either the greatest security breach of all time, or they tried to assassinate [Trump], or they left the door open so wide that that any infiltrator could come in."

- Erik Prince

Image "The fact that the Secret Service was bested by a 20-year-old, to literally draw blood from the Republican candidate for President, and former President, is inconceivably incompetent."
Feb 21, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
"There's no strategy or sense to what we do...we default to 'let's call in airstrikes on somebody.'

That's a tool.

What's your plan? What is your strategy? What are your principles? How did we get here?

We're in chaos, we're adrift."

- Sam Faddis… "In my experience you can't sneeze in the Gaza strip without Shin Bet knowing. Every other guy on the block is taking money from the Israelis to rat out his buddies and talk to Shin Bet..."

Sam Faddis
Feb 20, 2024 17 tweets 7 min read
Naked Capitalism is a left of center site.

I normally don't watch Carlson, but our government's massive attack on free speech this century via the "Censorship Industrial Complex" is an existential issue.

A perfect issue for common ground, left & right.…
Image "...the financial stakeholders who depend on the battering ram of the national security state would basically be helpless against governments around the world."

#IMF #WorldBank…
Jul 18, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Like most of you, I have the House Financial Services subcommittee hearing on climate-related financial risks and monetary policy on in the background right now.… There's something called the "Network for Greening the Financial System." Not sure what they do but pretty sure the main goal will be you will own nothing.
Jun 27, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
"The bailout really did protect billionaires from taking a modest haircut" $SVB……
Image This is disgraceful.

"Sequoia Capital, the world’s most prominent venture-capital firm, got covered the $1 billion it had with the lender. Kanzhun, a Beijing-based tech company... received a backstop for more than $900 million."

@secyellen $SVB
Jun 21, 2023 12 tweets 6 min read
This is a great question:

"Why aren’t we hearing about interest rate derivatives blowing up and taking down either a U.S. mega bank or its counterparty on the wrong side of the trade?"…
Image "Adding to our curiosity as to how everybody landed on the correct side of the interest rate derivative trades during the fastest rate hikes in 40 years, is a chart in the most recent OCC derivatives report for the first quarter of this year...How is this possible?" Image
Jun 7, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
"Fraud and scam and corporate malfeasance is the weather, and the Fed creates the climate."

- Christopher Leonard… "The Fed Trader will say, “Hey, we want to purchase $8 billion worth of Treasury bills from you at this price.” And the bank says, “Okay, here you go.”...It pumps up asset prices." Image
Feb 15, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
"The average monthly payment for a new car has soared to a record $777, nearly doubling from late 2019" In the years before the last housing bubble before this one, as Bernanke was utterly clueless, along with most of the MSM, you could learn a lot from little blogs.

In a similar way, Reddit, while mostly awful, does have some wheat in among the chaff.… Image
Jan 2, 2023 12 tweets 7 min read
"...a few months ago [Marc Cohodes] went to the Bloomberg crypto team with all the information he had about Silver Gate and FTX, and the fact that there was something very wrong here...[Marc said] you should ask Sam these questions."


- @MikeBurgersburg with @ttmygh @MikeBurgersburg @ttmygh And their response was... (paraphrased)

Bloomberg Crypto: 𝙔𝙤𝙪 should ask Sam these questions.

Marc Cohodes: Why aren’t 𝙮𝙤𝙪 asking him these questions?

Bloomberg Crypto: Well, if we ask those questions, he won’t talk to us anymore.

#FTX cc @AlderLaneEggs Image
Dec 23, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
"We don't want to give Sam the benefit of the doubt. He doesn't deserve it. He was committing crime from day one, and my personal belief is that this was just an extension of criminal activity that started from day one and just got ever bigger until it imploded." 💥

- David Dorr "When you go to institutional funds, you expect world class due diligence. And this guy failed even the most basic, basic due diligence tests. I mean, nobody bothered to ask this guy what he was using for his financial systems. I mean, I come from FinTech. These are the basics." Image
Dec 6, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
"This isn't FTX or anything." - Barry Sternlicht (actual quote)

"Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied." - attributed to Otto von Bismarck Barry Sternlicht on CNBC earlier...
Nov 25, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
David R. Montague, Senior Investigator for the JFK Assassination Records Review Board, when asked what he thinks happened to JFK: "I think it was a conspiracy."

"There were so many people that kept talking about - they thought the shots were coming from the front, and that they had given statements to law enforcement, and that those statements did not end up in the Warren Report...I don't see how any one person could have done that."
Nov 9, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
""What is so amazing to me is how his entire social circle knew about this & just blithely overlooked it,” she said of his penchant for adolescents. While praising his charm, brilliance & generous donations to Harvard, those she spoke to...“all mentioned the girls, as an aside."" That quote is from Vicky Ward, quoted in a July 2019 NY Times story.…
Oct 11, 2022 21 tweets 9 min read
"the Forest Service & Federal Reserve focused their attention on immediate problems – fires & panics – while ignoring the longer-term consequences of their actions...At least ecologists recognize the folly of fire suppression. Economists are less contrite."

- Edward Chancellor "When interest rates go below 3% and especially as they approach 2%, investors become desperate for higher yields. This creates an environment where speculative bubbles become attractive, which become self-reinforcing as they grow."…
Oct 11, 2022 14 tweets 8 min read
"The modern economists & central bankers actually use [John] Law as model...a cognitive dissonance between the praise given to Law as...the first practitioner of what would be called active monetary policy & the complete disaster of his scheme."
Chancellor… John "Law’s banking successors have been Ben Bernanke, Janet Yellen and Mario Draghi."

If John Law was alive today, he'd get a "Nobel" Prize.

"They fail to heed Cantillon’s warning that it’s all very well to embark on a grand monetary experiment, but there is no painless exit." Image
Sep 22, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Some of you may remember Stephen Glass, and a time when MSM lying was considered unusual, and wrong.

Anyway, "The deification of the chair of the Federal Reserve System was, in the roaring 1990s, something of an undisputed fact."

#FedHistory #Greenspan… Image This apparently was not made up.

Spring 2001 #FedHistory #Greenspan… Image
Sep 16, 2022 20 tweets 6 min read
Just saving this for future historians. Image I'm not a crypto guy, but this guy set my b.s. meter spiking.

Come on, @CNBC.

"It's important for people to be able to operate in the ecosystem without being terrified that unknown unknowns were gonna blow them up somehow."

- Sam Bankman-Fried…
Jul 27, 2022 13 tweets 6 min read
Remember that quarter-century period that recently ended, when new auto prices DIDN'T GO UP AT ALL (if you believed the @BLS_gov)?

That was what went into the CPI, and almost nobody questioned it.

Good times.…
Image @BLS_gov Same with used-car prices.

No [official] price change for 25+ years, and then bam.…
Dec 30, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
"Despite physical evidence of sexual blackmail stored at Epstein’s residences being shown by the prosecution (with the names of those incriminated being notably redacted), the prosecution chose not to mention even the potential role of blackmail in Ghislaine Maxwell’s activities" "Sexual blackmail, has been used by intelligence agencies...since the 1940s & beyond, it is deeply troubling that neither the blackmail or intelligence angle has played any role in the prosecution’s case or in the mainstream media’s coverage of the trial."…
Nov 23, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
R.I.P. JFK Image Abraham Bolden was pardoned by Biden today.…
Nov 22, 2021 38 tweets 15 min read
"Powell spent years as a private equity dealmaker, creating and selling the kinds of debt instruments that he later bailed out as Fed chairman...Powell’s radical actions...have also greatly benefitted his former peers in the private equity business. "
Image "The Fed is enacting programs that create winners and losers. And the winners, time and again, are people like Jay Powell and the investment firms that made him rich." Image