Effie Seiberg wants you vaxxed,boosted, & masked Profile picture
SFF/middle-grade fiction writer. Strategy/marketing consultant. Dadjoke teller. Doggo fan. Sentence-fragment lover. #MECFS She/her. Repped by @samroebuck

Sep 10, 2020, 18 tweets

Do you need a break from the multi-pack of apocalypses happening right now?

It's time for a thread of... ANIMALS WITH BALLS. (No not like they can stand up to the man. Or like they haven't been neutered. Or like Cinderella-style parties.)

This doggo is having the BEST DAY EVER

This kitteh is ready for the WNBA with those dribblin skills.

This bebe panda has a ball and is never gonna give it up, never gonna put it down.

This elephant is the new Pele. Sort of.

This cow can give that elephant a run for its money. Gooooooaaaaaaaaal!!!

Shadowfax is doin an acro-yoga retreat

This lil parakeet is ready for Cirque du Soleil

This doggo's discovered a new type of juggling: mouth juggling.

These three lions are playing the laziest game of catch ever.

Oh no this shiny murderboi stole the soccer ball and is USING ITS HANDS. Foul! No hands in soccer!

This lil bebe cheetah is also fouling the ball but it's ok bc it's too young to know better.


This lil sea otter can dunk on anyone!

To understand the ball you must become the ball

It's time for the SEA LION VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIP and the real winner is whoever gets to watch it.

These belugas are playing with a puck, not a ball, but we'll allow it because a puck is a subset of ball that works in the cold.

Competition-ball, and a referee

The piggo with a ball that started it all:

This kitteh wishes to be one with the hamster ball

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