Koskovics Zoltán Profile picture
Geopolitical Analyst at the Budapest based Center for Fundamental Rights (@alapjogokert). Opinions are my own.

Sep 10, 2020, 8 tweets

I doubt even the Hungarian opposition will be so stupid as to try and use these "findings". But we'll see.

Dammit. The yanks are pissing @georgesoros off more than we are. Seriously, it's like losing to them in soccer. That simply shouldn't happen.

Ok, that's just self-parody, at this point. 🤣

Even election season doesn't explain this level of stupid. On the other hand another @georgesoros index did put Hungarian political stability below that of the Ukraine. So they are consistently looney tools, at least.

They didn't get the memo on the absolute need for a strict lock down, I'm afraid..

Is he calling Hungary "inclusive and tolerant"!? Shameless. Also inconsistent.

Who woulda thunk it:

The whole thing reads like genuine parody. But of course Правда and Известия also got to that point late in the game.

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