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Shaking theatre up since 1970 | 🏠 to @YVTakingPart and Creators Program | Free tickets to the first person to name their child Young Vic

Sep 11, 2020, 10 tweets


Today marks 50 years since we first opened our doors & what a better way to celebrate this milestone than by sharing with you our brand-new year-long programme of work entitled #WeAreTheNewTide

Check out this thread for more info 👇

First up, our 50th Birthday Projections 📽

Starting tonight, each evening the front of our building will become a giant canvas, illuminated by a video projection by @duncanjmclean, celebrating the people & productions who have contributed to our history over the last 5 decades.

The #YV50 Projection Project is a homage to the entire community who make up the DNA of the Young Vic and it will run Monday to Saturdays, from 7.30pm until 10.30pm

Find out more:…

Image: @photostagephoto

Also launching today: #YVUnforgotten, a free interactive installation that questions & engages w/ the conversation within #BlackLivesMatter about statues being torn down, asking us what monuments could be newly elevated.

The installation - created by Artists @sadeysa & @AnnaFleischle - features statues commemorating three trailblazers of the Black community: Mary Seacole, Marsha P. Johnson & Ulric Cross.

You are invited to contribute by submitting your own nominations & tagging #YVUnforgotten

Finally, the 1st piece of live theatre since we closed in March: #TheNewTomorrow festival on 3 & 4 Oct.

A free festival in co-production with Wessex Grove where brilliant writers and artists will look at what the next 50 years will hold for us.

Writers include: @JadeAnouka, Marina Carr, Jasmine Lee-Jones, @ruth_madeley, @angplays, @stefsmith, @jackthorne, @IsobelWB, Steve Waters.

The festival will be streamed online, w/ a limited number of FREE in-person tickets available via ticket lottery. Details to be announced soon

#TheNewTomorrow #YV50 #WeAreTheNewTide

“The beginning of our 50th year marks a moment of change for everyone, but it is a year I go into with absolute optimism, for We Are The New Tide”.

-@kwamekweiarmah, Artistic Director.

You can find out more about our #YV50 birthday plans on our website:…


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