PA Stands Up Profile picture
At PA Stands Up, we organize for power. Across race, place, and generation, we are building a Pennsylvania that works for #AllOfUs.

Sep 11, 2020, 10 tweets

Last week, together with our chapters, we endorsed a powerful slate of 27 candidates for the PA legislature. These champions are working in the communities where we organize + fighting for a Pennsylvania that works for all of us. #UptoUsPA /THREAD

Together with @BerksStandsUp, we are proud to endorse @Judy4PA, @voteblichar, + @Kelly4Pa.

Together with @ChescoStandsUp, we are proud to endorse @Danielle_4PA. #UptoUsPA

Together with Delco Stands Up, we are proud to endorse @amandaforpa. #UptoUsPA

Together with @LVStandsUp, we are proud to endorse @TaraMZrinski. #UptoUsPA

Together with @yorkstandsup, we are proud to endorse @shannaforPA, Fred Owens, @RepHillEvans, + @DougRossForPa92. #UptoUsPA

If you're as fired up as we are about electing these champions for working class people of all races + flipping the PA legislature, sign up for a volunteer shift. We can't do it without you! It's #UptoUsPA.…

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