PA Stands Up Profile picture
At PA Stands Up, we organize for power. Across race, place, and generation, we are building a Pennsylvania that works for #AllOfUs.
Jan 7, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read
In response to this week’s egregious, violent subversion of democracy -- both in Washington D.C. and right here in Pennsylvania -- Hannah Laurison, Executive Director of Pennsylvania Stands Up, issued the following statement: 🧵 Make no mistake: both the insurrection yesterday and the @PAGOP's refusal to seat a duly elected Senator the day before are attacks on our country, on our people, brought on by a president who refuses to accept that millions of us turned out to stand with and for ...
Sep 11, 2020 10 tweets 13 min read
Last week, together with our chapters, we endorsed a powerful slate of 27 candidates for the PA legislature. These champions are working in the communities where we organize + fighting for a Pennsylvania that works for all of us. #UptoUsPA /THREAD Together with @BerksStandsUp, we are proud to endorse @Judy4PA, @voteblichar, + @Kelly4Pa.
#UptoUsPA Image
Sep 7, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Today, we celebrate working people. Our work is essential to keep society running: from caring for sick patients to feeding people's families to delivering the mail.

/Thread #LaborDay #1u But the wealthy few siphon off the wealth we create, keeping the exorbitant profits for themselves, while essential works struggle to stay healthy and safe, to provide for their families + to pay their rent.
Aug 26, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Things the PA Legislature should be setting up right now:
✅ an eviction moratorium through the end of the pandemic
✅ rent cancellation from March until the end of the pandemic
✅ universal testing, so we can actually contain this virus
✅ freedom for incarcerated people ✅ more ballot drop boxes so people can easily and safely drop off their ballot
✅ ballot drop boxes at every polling place on Election Day
✅ Medicaid opt-in for anyone who is without insurance during this pandemic
Aug 25, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
We’re about to fall over a housing cliff because the state legislature didn’t make any time to prevent it. Meanwhile, they are trying to make last minute changes to our election laws for non existent fraud to disenfranchise voters. It’s time to fight back.… From Erie to Scranton to Harrisburg to Philadelphia, people are STRUGGLING. They are waving to their grandmothers at the nursing home, working jobs that risk their health, wondering when life is going to be normal again. Taking away people’s housing is dangerous and harmful.
Aug 20, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
it’s true. we would love to have you. below is a quick thread of some of the ways you can get involved. dancing is allowed! have weekends lost all meaning to you? why not make some calls to save our democracy?! here’s a link for this weekend. We are partnered up with @LetsTurnPABlue and will be making calls this weekend for @JulieSlomski and @SenatorIovino.…
Aug 20, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
We are monitoring the practice across the country of universities opening up, witnessing unmasked parties, then displacing students a few weeks later back to their collective hometowns. This is dangerous. Media framing has left blame on the shoulders of students longing for human contact. They’re missing the point. We should not have a pandemic that has spread so openly like this in the first place.
Aug 20, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
ICYMI. A federal judge just ruled against Trump, and he must turn over his tax returns. While all of us grapple with the terrifying reality of not being able to pay our bills, Trump has been focused on trying to hide his grift. This is good news in terms of transparency and accountability, but folks are struggling! We need actions taken NOW, to protect folks from eviction through the end of this pandemic, to protect folks from rent and mortgage and utility payments piling up.
Aug 18, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
well here’s some gaslighting we should really examine and process together: the week of the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment, which guaranteed voting rights for some women, Trump is holding a press opportunity to “pardon” Susan B. Anthony for voting illegally as a woman. normally we’d encourage folks to ignore the antics of this tyrannical fascist in the White House, but there’s some stuff we need to unpack. It took generations to even make legal the act of voting for so many people, including Black women and other women of color.
Jul 30, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Just a friendly reminder that Donald Trump does not have the power to delay the general election. YOU have the power to send him packing. Retweet to help spread the word. You have the power to restore faith in our democracy. Did you know that young people are going to be the largest voting bloc in history? Register to vote and request your ballot.
Jun 18, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
Do you believe that #BlackLivesMatter? We have a ton of ways for you to get involved this weekend. Help us spread the word! [THREAD] Juneteenth, sometimes called Black Independence Day, celebrates the day in 1865 when Black slaves won their freedom after centuries of uprisings and struggle. More info here for white folks who don’t know the history:
Jun 15, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
We have some belated congratulations we owe to some folks. In case you missed it, movement politics is IN. The status quo is OUT! 🚨 [THREAD] 🚨 First up, in case you missed it, our endorsed candidate, @amandaforpa, basically trounced incumbent @daylinleach in the primary, proving that voters demand accountability and that they are eager for women to lead. Congratulations to everyone who was brave and who put in the work. Image
Jun 15, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
This is big news, but context matters. [THREAD]… We should all hold onto our gratitude for the movement that led to this moment, and we must remember the Black trans women who have led and strengthened our community and held the powerful accountable. #BlackTransLivesMatter
Jun 15, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
TODAY: the PA house judiciary takes up legislation to address #PoliceBrutality. There are 19, necessary, bills to consider, and many have been refused hearing for more than a year by the chair, Rep. Rob Kauffman. #PAPolitics Today’s hearing is a direct response to direct action taken last week by the PA Houser Black Caucus.…
May 31, 2020 11 tweets 5 min read
“I am really proud of the way law enforcement, that I have seen across the state, has handled this.” -a direct quote today from @GovernorTomWolf, who must be in an alternate reality. Governor, open your eyes. [THREAD] Here is Harrisburg, @GovernorTomWolf:
May 28, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
It is time for @RepTurzai to resign. He has had one foot out the door for months, but at the moment you endanger the lives of people, this stops being a trivial matter. Sign our petition, and please help us to spread the word:… In case folks missed this piece of news from yesterday, there is at least one known case of #COVID19 among state legislators in PA. This is truly unsurprising given the way fringe members of the Republican caucus have conducted themselves these past few months.
May 20, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
You have a right to vote safely at home by paper ballot. It’s the same civic action of voting as if you go in person, but without the risk of a deadly, contagious, respiratory illness. There’s still time, so go get your ballot:… If you have already requested your ballot and haven’t received it, you can check the status of your ballot at this link:…
May 14, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
This week’s #CrisisandtheOpportunity forum is focusing on the struggle of workers. You can join the live stream here:… Healthcare workers are not only risking their lives to the virus, they’re also facing down the indifference of their bosses and the violent rhetoric and weapons of their own neighbors.
Apr 17, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
We are being offered a false choice by people standing to make lots of money off our labor: go back to work unprotected and prematurely, or continue to suffer economically. Don’t accept this premise. There’s a reason the big corporations have gotten their aid quickly and in excess, while small businesses and individuals struggle to get their checks and loans. It’s because that’s how they want it to be. Demand better.
Mar 27, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Our medical providers are on the front lines of this crisis. We need a #PeoplesBailout that protects testing and treatment for ALL, and provided hospitals with the equipment they need to be safe. #COVID19 Image…
Mar 24, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
It’s time to talk about what members of Congress have been up to while we all suffer. Y’all ready? We need mass testing NOW. A third iteration of a bill negotiated by House and Senate Democrats would provide no-cost testing and treatment to anyone who needs it, no matter their ability to pay or their immigration status. This makes us all safer.