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A passionate Advocate for Justice, Accountability and Transparency, SEGA tirelessly champions causes that empower communities and promote good governance. 🚔🚀

Sep 11, 2020, 6 tweets

I will address the alleged “she made bail” part of the story tomorrow and the dissapointing role played by a certain public officer, who soiled his career in a criminal investigation, while confirming the doubts raised on his integrity. The Truth will always overcome. #PlotTwist

For the edification of those that needs a scoop, Bail conditions given in open court by the Magistrate Ó.C. Oghire (Mrs) at Ebute Metta Court 3, Yaba, Lagos were as follows;

- N500k & 2 sureties in the like sum
- 1 MUST be a blood relation
- 1 MUST own a property within the court jurisdiction
- Tax receipts of both sureties to @followlasg
- Utility Bill of House Address which must be confirmed by the court.
- Passport photographs of both sureties

- Interview of the sureties by the magistrate to ascertain the reliability and fitness of the sureties.

She was also sternly warned NOT to court jump bail as she has been doing all through the weeks of Police Investigation from Bar Beach, Panti, Zone 2 & back to Panti.

So the question sane minds are asking is simple. How did she meet all these conditions within 3 hours without the knowledge of the prosecutor?! What was the all mighty OPD Director doing in court that day given that Bola was ably represented by 2 lawyers on the material day?

Like I said, stay tuned as we will delve deeper tomorrow and know precisely what transpired to the point where someone being processed to be reminded suddenly circumvented bail conditions and even posted a video to show Lagosians how corrupt the system is. #PlotTwist

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