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"I wish her well." - Donald Trump to sex trafficking rapist, Ghislaine Maxwell - 7/21/2020 Ghislaine Maxwell found Guilty! 12/29/2021

Sep 12, 2020, 13 tweets

#EpsteinAssociate Erika Kellerhals has been Epstein's go to tax attorney for years. Listed as secretary/tresurer/trustee of multiple charities of his and involved in many of his main pursuits in the last decade.…

Born and raised in New York, Erika's parents ran a restaurant on Staten Island for decades before closing up shop in 2014. Erika went to NYU then worked at a few law firms before up and moving to the Virgin Islands in 2003 and working at Marjorie Roberts firm there.

Marjorie is an interesting one. She was a major campaign bundler for President Obama in 2012 and very close to Cecile DeJongh, Epstein employee, and wife of former VI Gov DeJongh. Cecile is the founder of the Rwanda Project (Kellerhals also tied to it) which was funded by Epstein

Member of the VI prestigious Antilles School Board of Trustees which has multiple Epstein connected folks on board and also received donations from Epstein's companies. In 2018 she was appointed to the St. John Chamber of commerce, reuniting with her old friend Marjorie.

Another fun fact about her resume, is that she can practice not just in FL, NY, and VI but also England and Wales.

Not only did she serve as treasurer and secretary of Epstein's Gratitude America, but she also served as treasurer, secretary, and trustee of the J. Epstein VI foundation (aka Enhanced Education)

When Epstein decided to transfer the 9 east 71st ave deed (the one he was gifted by Wexner) from New York to the Virgin Islands in 2011 using his LLC Maple inc, Erika was on the paperwork, so she has at least worked for him since then.

Back when Epstein was trying start up his data mining operation and later create a bank in the Virgin Islands, Erika argued on his behalf and was part of all the legal paperwork/testimony to make those a reality.

She played an integral role in getting his Southern Trust company a lucrative tax break on the island, using the EDC program. Recently a Southern Trust employee was subpoenaed by the VI AG requesting info on EDC compliance.

In 2016 when Epstein had his eyes set on purchasing a new island, he used a shell company using Kellerhals name to mask the real identity of the buyer.

West Indies Title which is also connected to Erika's company was the title agent on the deal.

Thread on Farkas here

Apart from signing the affidavit on Epstein's last will and testament, she also continues in the litigation efforts for his estate. Her and her firm recently receiving 580k in legal fees.

Adding her political donations. Multiple ones to VI rep, Stacey Plaskett whom I've discussed before. Plaskett has even liked her past FB posts.

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