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Quick Reaction Alert (Interceptor) North, Maritime Patrol, and Global Operations. We are #TeamLossie

Sep 12, 2020, 11 tweets

#TeamLossie has had a busy Saturday!

🚨 We were scrambled earlier this morning as two Russian Tu-142 Bear F aircraft approached UK airspace. It was a rather unusual scramble for the @RoyalAirForce, and we're going to tell you all about it...

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❓ What happened?

📡 The Control & Reporting Centre at @RAFBoulmer was alerted to two tracks heading towards UK airspace. The team of surveillance operators were tracking the two aircraft at all times alongside their @NATO counterparts.

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All of this activity was coordinated through the @NATO Combined Air Operations Centre (known as a CAOC) in Uedem, Germany. They are also monitored by the National Air and Space Operations Centre (known as the NASOC) at

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❓ Why was this scramble unusual?

🚨 As the two aircraft flew closer to UK airspace, #TeamLossie Typhoons were scrambled from Leuchars Station in Fife, where QRA North has temporarily relocated while the intersection of our runways are resurfaced at RAF Lossiemouth.

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🧑‍✈️ The Typhoons are still crewed by #TeamLossie pilots, and maintained by #TeamLossie engineers and technicians. The only thing that has changed is our location!

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⛽ It was also unusual as the A330-200 Multi-Role Tanker Transport, which is ordinarily based at @RAFBrizeNorton, was scrambled from @RAFMildenhall due to some planned runway works at Brize.

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✅ QRA is versatile and today's scramble demonstrates that a Voyager and Typhoons can launch from a number of different locations at very little notice to intercept any potential airborne targets.

It's our enduring mission: #SecuringTheSkies in and around the UK.

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🎯 Our Typhoons visually identified two Tu-142 Bear F. This variant is an anti-submarine warfare platform, similar to our @P8A_PoseidonRAF - although Poseidon is much better, boasting a world class suite of sensors that can detect vessels above and beneath the waves!

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✈️ The Bear F were shadowed while operating close to UK airspace, and their movements were closely monitored by our Typhoons in the air, and the Control and Reporting Centre on the ground.

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❓ Why do we launch against Russian military aircraft?

⚠️ These aircraft can pose a hazard to other air users by not talking to Air Traffic Control, or not squawking - transmitting a code for other air users and ground units to see them.

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💪 Overall, this was another successful mission for #TeamLossie and the @RoyalAirForce!

❓ As always, we'll try and answer your questions below.
🔒 But remember, some of the finer details are classified!

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