Javaria Waseem Profile picture
Writer and Filmmaker. (she/her🌈) 🇵🇸

Sep 12, 2020, 19 tweets

Protest Against Rape - Islamabad (A Thread)

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We stepped outside today, in huge numbers.

We all had a lot to say.

We all felt the pain.

We wanted to be heard

We wanted to be seen

We wanted to be understood

It didn't matter who we were or where we came from

We had it enough.

How dare you try to silence us? #RemoveCCPOLahore

How dare you try to blame us? #RemoveCCPOLahore

We stood up against it, we stood up against you.

We stood up to tell you that we're not alone. #RemoveCCPOLahore

We reminded you what you seem to have forgotten. #RemoveCCPOLahore

It's our turn to ask questions.

We demand a change!

And we will fight for it.


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