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Sep 13, 2020, 18 tweets


‘Ya’ll gonna die one by one....this isn’t going to stop.’

Last night after two officers were shot.


At the hospital where the officers are recovering from being shot.

Los Angeles

Why I feel this is a retaliation


Pic from the crime scene.
Pic credit on watermark.


Compete surveillance footage of the attempted execution of two LASD deputies. You can see the shooter walk up slowly. Also, both deputies are seen coming out of the car in this footage.


‘We’re supposed to celebrate today because the oppressor has been slain’

More footage from the hospital.


‘We weren’t really talking sh*t, we were just celebrating’


Video:inaworldofhurt YouTube.


LA SWAT responding to the scene where two deputies were shot.

Bellingham Metro News link with comments from Facebook pertaining to last nights shooting of two LASD deputies.…


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