James Baird Profile picture
director of education @covenantnaples | formerly @synthesischool (from SpaceX) @westminsterts @ligonier

Sep 13, 2020, 8 tweets

We live in the best time for makers! Where to start?

Build a course and sell what you know. People want your skills.

But don’t brain dump into Teachable and then light up your followers with posts.

Here’s a better plan for making 💰 online.


Follow people who’ve built profitable courses like @fortelabs, @david_perell, and @jackbutcher. Gain inspiration from them, but don’t copy their current strategies. They gained success through a sequenced process. Start in the place right for you.

Share lots of free, quality content. Show your value, build trust, grow followers. Be a lighthouse so like-minded people find you (cr:@mkobach).

Be prolific, not perfect. Iterate and experiment. Over time, you'll uncover the right topic for your course & focus for your branding.

Once you’ve built your audience and honed your topic, design a prototype course. Make it simple: text, pictures, iPhone videos, and screen recordings.

Yet again, perfection is the enemy of progress. Fail fast, fail early. Iterate. I give you permission!

Next, turn your audience into a tribe. Post testimonials for your course. Design a brand. Make a hashtag. Host Zoom meet-and-greets. Try @CircleApp.

You’re asking people to identify with you. Iterate, but don’t jerk people around. Experiment with low-impact changes.

Now, you’re ready for the big leagues.

Launch a premium course. Invest in awesome graphics & media like @joserosado and @AlexOsterwalder. Add cohorts & personal coaching like @DaveStachowiak. Make an experience worth 💵💵💵.

Conduct small experiments for continuous improvement.

Every product has a lifecycle. At your peak, start the process over again. Post & track different content. Run surveys & interviews on new ideas.

Will it be easier? No. You face new challenges: complacency & overconfidence.

Disrupt yourself.

Play to win the long-term game.

Hey, @AlexAndBooks_, @AlexLlullTW, @amlewis4, and @brandonthezhang! Thought you guys might be interested in this thread. Shameless plug 😊

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