Hasiba | حسيبة | हसीबा ✋🏽🌈🍉 Profile picture
#NyayYoddha | Feminist | Nehruvian | FLC fellow, Cambridge Uni & British Council | Ex - Convenor @INCIndia, GS & Digital Comms head, @NSUI,President, @NSUIGoa

Sep 14, 2020, 9 tweets

Delhi Violence Chronology

22nd Feb: Women Protestors start peaceful protest at the Jaffrabad Metro Station against CAA/NRC

23rd Feb (3PM): Kapil Misra addresses rally 1KM from protest site where they threaten to take 'law in hands' if peaceful protestors are not cleared.

23rd Feb(~4PM): Some ppl arrive & start pelting stones. Police fired teargas & disperses crowd.

23th Feb(8PM): 'ProCAA' protestors gather & start chant slogans instigating violence. (Goli maaro saalo ko + India me rehna hai to JSR kehna hoga)

23rd Feb(11PM): Truck dumped stones at proCAA site. Slogans of 'Modiji Sangharsh Karo hum tumhare saath hai' can be heard in background.

24th Feb(Morning): Violence starts in Maujpur where KP addressed the rally + proCAA protestors made the slogans.

24th Feb: Violence spreads to neighbouring areas through the day. Religious place (mazar) is set on fire in Bhajanpura

24th Feb(5PM): Petrol Pump in Bhajanpura set on fire

24th Feb(10PM): Tyre market in neighbouring Gokulpuri with mostly Muslim businesses set on fire

25th Feb: Violence spreads further. Journalists beaten up shot & injured. Photojournalist's bike torched, phones snatched to delete photos/videos.

25th Feb(4PM): Mob tries to set Qureshi Tower on fire while taunting the mostly muslim inhabitants that they would be trapped &burnt

25th Feb(Afternoon): Mosque in Ashok Nagar set on fire. Mob shouting “Jai Shri Ram” & “Hinduon ka Hindustan” paraded around the burning mosque & a Hanuman flag was placed on the minaret of the masjid.

So far 4 mosques and 1 mazaar had been destructed.

25th Feb: Hospitals were not able to deal with the magnitude of injuries. Cops wouldn't allow ambulances to pass so people could get emergency treatment.

25th Feb(MidNight): Emergency hearing called at HC after a petition which enabled emergency services & fire tenders.

By 26th Feb the violence had come to an end. 50+ dead, 100s businesses destroyed, 1000s lives disrupted. Bodies recovered from nearby drains till recently.

Most suffering are muslims, yet those being persecuted in the name of the 'riots' too are mostly muslims.


KM* not KP = Kapil Mishra

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