Legal Defense Fund Profile picture
America's premier civil rights law organization fighting for racial justice through litigation, advocacy, & public education. Established in 1940.

Sep 14, 2020, 10 tweets

Join @NAACP_LDF, @UniteThePoor and @Forward_Justice in 10 MINUTES for this important discussion!

"What is at stake in this election are not just the candidates on the ballot, but democracy itself."
-@NAACP_LDF President and Director-Counsel @Sifill_LDF

"The reason Thurgood Marshall thought that [Smith v. Allwright] was his most important case is because he believed the theme of tonight: that when you unleash the vote, you unleash political power."

"We need to unleash political power to be able to transform our shore up our education make real criminal justice ensure we have a meaningful voice in our destiny.."

.@NAACP_LDF President and Director Counsel @Sifill_LDF explains why the fight against voter suppression has reached a fever pitch.

"We are in the courts fighting. We need to have you be our eyes and report [voter suppression] that we can leap into action."

".@NAACP_LDF is in courts around the South trying to relax onerous restrictions on absentee voting...We'll keep fighting in the courts, but you have to do the work of ordering your absentee ballot."

.@NAACP_LDF is working in collaboration with @morethanavote to summon a new generation of poll workers. With the COVID-19 pandemic still an active threat, the #2020Election urges every one who is able work a polling location on Election Day.

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"On Election Day...we can expect all kind of shenanigans-- both inadvertent and deliberate--and we need to have our eyes and ears on the ground."
-@Sifill_LDF for @UniteThePoor 's Moral Monday Mass Assembly and Teach-In

"This is what's required of this generation....This is the call for 2020 and this is your call. We're giving you all the tools you need to be who you want to be at this moment in our nation's history."

So, how can you rise to the call for 2020? @NAACP_LDF Attorney and Digital Campaign Manager Tanesha Williams explains how you can get into #GoodTrouble.

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