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Weighing machine

Sep 15, 2020, 6 tweets

Try something out? I'll quickly explain what the 3 main parts of this company are - parts in green, red and blue - there are some of the numbers beneath and at the end see if what kind of rough value you think this might be worth. Can cheat - but it's worth it for this one not to

First is the exciting part: HCM (Human Capital Management) in the red box.

Grew 67% last year, 32% this year to end of April, so, some Covid. Makes "timeclocks" for biometric access into buildings. Sold as terminals and as-a-service (CLaaS)

I see three main drivers for growth

1. Touchless access, which the company is working on
2. Regulatory aspect, explained below
3. You feel like you're entering the bridge of the Starship Enterprise

Second is Access - green box, in the Electronics division with HCM above.

Makes blades essentially for estate management, joins up the security, fire, access etc for large buildings. Product transition and cloud happening. Overall flattish revenues but expects modest growth.

Third and final is the Asset Division - best known for making the fast-sliding safety windows for bank teller windows but has a few other lines. Revenue cliff due to large completed contract with national institution, other end markets weak. The idea to return to growth is below

That's it, not too much to go on I know but perhaps enough to have an idea of a very rough ballpark figure for valuation - what would you think it's worth? 40% GM business, here are the numbers from the top again and a cashflow statement

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