Alexander B. Howard Profile picture
🛠️Dad, cyclist, citizen 💡🤳Author @CivicTexts: ☀️ Advocate @OpenGov 🇺🇸Editor @ePluribusUnum 📲4108499808

Sep 15, 2020, 7 tweets

Did you know that the @UN declared September 15 the "International Day of Democracy" & invited people to share their thoughts on the state of democracy in the world using the #DemocracyDay hashtag?
The @WhiteHouse should tell you: promoting & defending democracy is a US policy.

World leaders, UN bodies, & NGOs have tweeted about the International Day of Democracy today, including some of the most trusted allies of the USA in the UK, the EU, & Canada, like @JustinTrudeau:

The @StateDept released a statement by @SecPompeo on the day before the #InternationalDayofDemocracy, a portion of which his official account tweeted out yesterday:

@WhiteHouse accounts didn't tweet about #DemocracyDay, but ambassadors & embassies did.

This @POTUS didn't tweet about #DemocracyDay today, but he did make time to tweet about reports of his campaign spending, amplify a tweet calling the @VP44 (his political opponent) a pedophile, & promote his appearance on Fox News.

(President Trump is not a friend of democracy.)

For 2 centuries, a central goal of U.S. foreign policy has been the promotion of respect for human rights & democracy:… …though our union has struggled to extend & protect them at home, from the original sin of slavery to suffrage to @CivilRights today.

In that light, here's what @SecPompeo said about democracy & this pandemic:

"Democracies, authoritarian governments, & dictatorships are equally challenged by the coronavirus pandemic, but only democracies are free to debate openly how to respond."…

👉 @SecPompeo: "Authoritarians…remain true to form. Their 1st priority is not public health, but the protection of their own power. They refuse to answer hard questions. They sow disinformation, scapegoat vulnerable groups, expand mass surveillance, & suspend the rule of law."

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