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Sep 16, 2020, 11 tweets

(1/11) Once this food farming craze ends and APYs come down to boomer-tier we're going to enter the next phase of Crypto: The Scaling Wars. The narrative will shift and there will be a heavy attack on @ethereum, the EF, Ethereum 2.0, and @VitalikButerin as being the old guard...

(2/11) This narrative will be led by the challengers: @NEARProtocol @solana and @Polkadot's @gavofyork who likely still wants revenge for @VitalikButerin getting all the credit for #Ethereum. ETH 2.0 will be labeled as vaporware and as still being years away...

(3/11) The challengers will claim that their blockchains are "near instant and free" and that dapps building forks on them like @AaveAave @compoundfinance @MakerDAO and others will help them become the @ethereum killer.

(4/11) The Joker in this scenario is @SBF_Alameda who has his own independent vision to conquer the entire Crypto vertical and could care less about the success of any chain, including his own, as long as "number go up" for @AlamedaResearch and his donations to Effective Autism.

(5/11) What all these challengers are lacking however is what @ameensol points out as "community." #Ethereum has spent the past five years building the most global and robust developer community, and while sometimes misguided, their intentions are in the right place.

(6/11) Challengers will not be able to easily replicate this network effect and to think they can buy their way into community by securing "Anchor Dapps" on their platform is misguided at best.

(7/11) Not everyone is an adversary to Ethereum. Some want to see ETH2 succeed like @xdaichain's Igor @barinov who stopped buying ridiculously priced @CryptoKitties to build a solid bridge to his platform to help Ethereum scale until ETH2 comes out then port xDai over as a shard.

(8/11) Builders like @UniswapProtocol's @haydenzadams, while mildly annoyed with having his homework copied, continue to keep their heads down and deliver great products that innovate and push the industry forward. This is the spirit of @ethereum, which cannot be bought.

(9/11) But throughout all the noise, marketing, and promotion to come, the invisible wizards of @ethereum will continue doing their thing behind the scenes. Teams like @_Supranational, who were working with Linus Torvalds 10 years ago on OpenSSL, continue to drive ETH2 forward.

(10/11) "Superior tech" is not a moat. We saw this with the @SushiSwap drama. And unlike #Degen yield farmers, real users will stick around with the Blockchain and projects they love, not abandon ship for "faster TPS". Ethereans know this and are unphased by this outside noise.

(11/11) And all this being said, in the unlikely scenario a new platform comes out with a superior scaling technology (while remaining decentralized and not DPOS garbage), ETH2 can...just...well...'borrow' it

Maybe @justinsuntron was right all along 🤦‍♂️

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