Jason Kishineff #NotInMyName Profile picture
Anti-Zionist Jew Without economic equality, there's no freedom.

Sep 16, 2020, 7 tweets

I am so horribly disgusted at the reports I'm hearing of mass numbers of sexual assaults and then mass numbers of forced hysterectomies in the border camps that Latino refugees have been locked in, and frightened for the future of our country if these stories are true. 1/7

Unfortunately the news has become so partisan, and so rarely in agreement, that it's hard to know what's true and what's not.

I'm glad that there is going to be an investigation into these crimes, and if these stories are NOT true then whoever is making them up should be... 2/7

cast out of media or politics (including corporate lobbying) and have to clean toilets at a middle school.

"So vote for Biden" I hear you call. The problem is that he and Obama are the ones who built those camps and he's never said, even once, that he would free those... 3/7

people or close those camps. I've heard it said that corporations behave like sociopaths, because they only care about the bottom line and have no regrets. I think that politicians who are run by corporate money, similarly, do things that are so completely horrifying, and... 4/7

seemingly without emotion, that they too behave like sociopaths.

Being Jewish, I'm terrified that when we defeat fascism (and I believe we've been fascist since 9/11) we are going to find the kinds of things that I've seen in Holocaust Museums. Pictured is the art of... 5/7

Jewish children in Prague, where they buried Jewish people on top of others, in layers. It's not as easy as "vote for Biden". These kinds of policies have been getting worse and worse for decades. I'd even tie Joe Biden's 94 Crime Bill to this, even though it was pre-9/11.

Yes, it's worse now, but it's probably going to get worse still, no matter who is the president in 2021.

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