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Sep 16, 2020, 18 tweets

SEPT. 16 - Canada/Ontario/Québec daily update

Current data as of 7 am.

Data is 100% public and official, and fully sourced.

#COVID19Ontario #covid19canada #covid19quebec

9 deaths reported in all of Canada (population: 37,971,020).

56,695 additional tests to confirm 793 additional cases (1.4%).

2.0 active cases per 10,000 people in Canada.

Canada - Covid-19 still presents a risk primarily to the elderly, not to children and hardly to working-age adults.

(n.b. Based on 2020 YTD data for Covid-19 - figures to be revised upward as needed.)

Deaths among those over 80 account for 71.3% of covid deaths.

This contrasts to overall deaths, for which the 80+ cohort accounts for 50.9% of deaths (based on 2016-2018 averages).

(n.b. Based on 2020 YTD data for Covid-19 - figures to be revised upward as needed.)

Bear in mind that the risk of death will always rise in line with one's advancing age.

In a given year, like 2018 as an example, 9.2% of those in the over-80 age cohort pass away.

(n.b. Based on 2020 YTD data for Covid-19 - figures to be revised upward as needed.)

Children and young adults are at lower risk from Covid-19 than from influenza and pneumonia.

The risk of death by Covid-19 is higher than that by influenza and pneumonia as one's age advances.

(n.b. Based on 2020 YTD data for Covid-19 - figures to be revised upward as needed.)

If considered as a wholly distinct and separate cause of death in Canada, Covid-19 may be the 6th leading cause of death in 2020, much like influenza and pneumonia.

(n.b. Based on 2020 YTD data for Covid-19 - figures to be revised upward as needed.)

Ontario has reported 9 covid deaths so far in September.

- That's an average of 0.6 deaths / day.

Ontario now reports:

- 1.5 active cases per 10,000 people

- 47 in hospital (no change)

- 19 in ICU (+2)

- 11 in ICU on a ventilator (+3)

Ontario has reported 9 covid deaths so far in September.

- That's an average of 0.6 deaths / day.

Ontario now reports:

- 1.5 active cases per 10,000 people

- 47 in hospital (no change)

- 19 in ICU (+2)

- 11 in ICU on a ventilator (+3)

Ontario - The proportion of cases resulting in death (yellow line) is now under 1%, vs. ~15% at peak.

In September, the proportion of average daily deaths to average daily cases in the preceding 28 days is 0.6%.

This is what 2020 might look like in Ontario month-to-month if:
1. All-cause deaths (excl. Covid-19) are in line with 2016-18 averages
2. All Covid-19 deaths are single-cause excess deaths

(n.b. Based on 2020 YTD data for Covid-19 - figures to be revised upward as needed.)

This is what 2020 might look like in Ontario year-to-year if:
1. All-cause deaths (excl. Covid-19) are in line with 2014-18 averages
2. All Covid-19 deaths are single-cause excess deaths

(n.b. Based on 2020 YTD data for Covid-19 - figures to be revised upward as needed.)

This is what 2020 YTD might look like in Ontario on a cumulative basis, using 2016-18 average monthly deaths as a proxy for 2020 data.

Ontario - Growth in cumulative cases is outpacing growth in cumulative deaths.

September so far:

- 307 cases per 1 death (0.3%)

- Cumulative cases up 6.5%

- Cumulative deaths up 0.3%

Ontario - Growth in cumulative tests conducted is outpacing growth in cumulative cases.

September so far:

- 146 tests conducted per 1 positive test (0.7%)

- Cumulative tests up 14.1%

- Cumulative cases up 6.5%

Québec has reported 15 covid deaths so far in September (to Sept 14th).

- That's an average of 1.1/day.

Québec now reports:

- 2.5 active cases per 10,000 people

- 133 in hospital (+9)

- 23 in ICU (+4)

Québec has reported 15 covid deaths so far in September (to Sept 14th).

- That's an average of 1.1/day.

Québec now reports:

- 2.5 active cases per 10,000 people

- 133 in hospital (+9)

- 23 in ICU (+4)

Québec - The proportion of cases resulting in death (yellow line) is now under 1%, vs. ~15% at peak.

In September, the proportion of average daily deaths to average daily cases in the preceding 28 days is 0.9%.

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