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The AI Now Institute produces diagnosis and actionable policy research on artificial intelligence.

Sep 16, 2020, 9 tweets

The next few years will see wide ranging regulation of biometrics. Our new compendium highlights lessons learned from the last decade of regulatory attempts. This summary by @ambaonadventure… captures themes & questions for the future of biometric tech:

How should biometric data be defined? Do emotion recognition systems fall within the definition of biometrics in the law?

Why have data protection laws like the #GDPR failed to curb the expansion of biometric surveillance infrastructure by governments across the world? What are the limits of this approach?

How should regulation address concerns about inaccuracy and discrimination in biometric systems?

What could be the fallout of a “risk based” regulatory approach to different use cases for biometrics (e.g. “identification” v “verification”)?

What does due process for facial recognition look like in the criminal justice system? Should law enforcement have access to biometric systems to begin with?

How can the “conditions” for lifting moratorium laws be strengthened to ensure that eventual legislative or deliberative processes are robust and democratic?

What regulatory tools could create public transparency around the development, purchase, and use of biometric systems?

What role can community-led advocacy play in shaping the priorities and impact of biometric regulation?

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