Hammed A. Akande, M.Sc. Profile picture
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Sep 16, 2020, 22 tweets

20 FULLY-FUNDED MSc positions in Biology, Ecology, other Environmental Sciences, & Statistics.

Looking for a graduate position (MSc/PhD)? then this is for you.

@Ijesha_canadian @Oludeewon @SamuelArawu @Iam_MrPackagin @AnumahABD @olumuyiwaayo @yanjus4christ et al Kindly RT.


In July, I made a thread on where you can find available (funded) positions in Canada. If you missed that, please check 👇

(and if you know anyone in the environmental field, have them check my page often for scholarship update).



1. MSc Position at UQAC, Canada.

Project: Dynamics and diversity of old-growth boreal forests in Eastern Canada dominated by balsam fir (Abies balsamea) along an altitudinal gradient.
Stipend: 16,000$/year. More info on cef-cfr.ca/uploads/Actual…


2. MSc/ PhD) in Marine Habitat Mapping and Species Distribution Modeling- Memorial University, Canada

Required skills: quantitative background in marine ecology or biology, and familiarity with a programming language (e.g. R).


3. MSc Research Assistantship West Virginia University
STARTING DATE: January 2021
STIPEND: $18,000/year plus health insurance and university tuition waiver.
CONTACT: send a letter of interest, CV, a 500-word SOP to Dr. Jim Anderson at wetland@wvu.edu.


4. MSc in Soil Science/Rare Plant Recovery- Univ. of Washington

Applications should include a CV & a statement of research interests that articulates how the applicant meets the expectations of this position. Applications received by October 15 2020 get full consideration


5. MSc/PhD position in Biological Control of Weeds- Michigan State University, USA.

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. The position comes with a generous stipend, tuition waiver, and health benefits.


6. MSc/Ph.D. Research Assistantships - Auburn University (AL) - Applied Aquatic Ecology

Interested students are encouraged to email Alan Wilson (wilson@auburn.edu) describing why the lab is a good fit for you by 1 December 2020 for full consideration.


7. MSc Position to Examine Perspectives on Forest Adaptation & Restoration Strategies at the University of Vermont.

Qualifications: BSc in forest ecology, forestry, silviculture, biology, or a related field.


8. MSc Position in Plant Ecology at University of Nevada, Reno

The ideal starting date is January 2021, but a Fall 2021 start date may also be considered, particularly if the applicant can start by early summer 2021. Funding is available for at least two years.


9. MSc/PhD Positions at the University of Oklahoma

Project: Community/Food Web Ecology of Non-Perennial Streams.


10. MSc Position in Microbial ecology and carbon cycling of coastal Alaskan wetlands.

You'll work in Beard lab (karenhbeard.webs.com) & closely with Atwood lab (trishaatwood.weebly.com) & the Waring Lab (waringecologylab.com) at Imperial College-London.


11. 1 MSc & 1 PhD position in Remote Sensing and Data Analytics for Sustainable Agriculture.

Starting in Spring or Fall of 2021 to work in the areas of remote sensing and data analytics for sustainable agriculture.


12. MSc Position: Vertebrate Neuroecology- University of North Carolina, Wilmington


13. Funded MSc position on green crab movements using telemetry

Project: Characterizing movements of green crabs in a model estuary


14. Fully-funded MSc Research Assistantship on Stream Ecology

Macroinvertebrate communities in Gulf Coastal Plains Streams of Arkansas Dr. Hal Halvorson, Assistant Professor at the University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR


15. 3 MSc/PhD positions in population and community ecology, University of Calgary

Guaranteed funding at a minimum level of $23,000/year (higher depending on availability of lab funds and success of scholarship applications) is available for 2 years (MSc) or 4 years (PhD).


16. 1-2 MSc/PhD positions in quantitative plant ecology, global change, restoration

Shriver Quantitative Plant Ecology Lab at the University of Nevada-Reno is recruiting 1-2 graduate students (Ph.D. or M.S.) to join the lab beginning the fall of 2021.


17. 2 MSc positions available in remote sensing and fire ecology (Sonoma State University)


18. 1 MSc and 1 PhD: Plant trait variation and tropical plant-insect interactions


19. MSc/PhD opportunities in plant and ecosystem ecology at Texas Tech University

Interested students are encouraged to first contact Nick at nick.smith@ttu.edu. Application details can be found at depts.ttu.edu/biology/academ…


20. MSc/PhD Position in Transgenerational Plasticity

Interested students are encouraged to view recent preprints (jehellmann45.wixsite.com/home/recent-ne…) to get a better idea of current work.


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